Treatment abroad

Treatment outside Poland is often the so-called "emergency exit" when there are difficulties in making the correct diagnosis or the possibilities of further treatment in Poland are exhausted. In practice, it is worth dealing with the issue earlier, even if the situation does not force us to do so.


  • Possibility to get a second opinion
  • Access to the latest therapies
  • Access to clinical trials


In justified cases, treatment outside Poland may be possible reimbursed by the National Health Fund. For this purpose, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the President of the National Health Fund. The decision is issued on the basis of an application completed by the patient and a specialist in the relevant field of medicine. The verification procedure should last up to several days. If consent is granted, the National Health Fund covers the costs of treatment on the basis of an invoice issued by the foreign facility. The fund may also pay for the patient's transport costs. However, both the patient's stay outside the medical facility and the caregiver's transport and stay must be paid out of pocket.

Information about the procedure for applying for reimbursement of treatment abroad and the necessary applications can be found on the website National Health Fund

In case of refusal you can take action private treatment in a foreign facility. Such a decision usually involves a heavy financial burden. Often, the only solution is to collect funds through public benefit organizations.


An internet search engine comes in handy when looking for treatment options abroad. However, it is easy to get lost in the thicket of information, so it is worth looking for more reliable sources first. Below are some suggestions:

  • Doctor

An easily accessible source that we often forget about. It is worth asking your doctor if other treatments are offered abroad. Even if he won't be able to provide us with accurate information, perhaps he will at least suggest a direction for our search.

On this website you will find information about clinical trials conducted around the world. You can enter a specific disease and country in the search engine, which makes the search much easier. Each examination includes information about its current status. If research participants are being recruited, contact details can also be found on the website.

The platform helps you find information about available treatment methods in the European Union. After completing the contact form and submitting medical documentation, you can receive a personalized action plan along with a cost simulation. If we decide to undertake the proposed treatment, the organization helps in organizing the treatment.