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Increasing access of people with disabilities to vocational and social rehabilitation

The Rakiety Oncological Foundation is recruiting people to participate in the task entitled: "Increasing access of people with disabilities to vocational and social rehabilitation." The project is addressed to 10 adults with a certificate of severe or moderate disability, residing in the province. Lesser Poland: the town of Tarnów, Tarnów, Dąbrowa, Brzeg poviats and the poviat Bochnia regardless of their status on the market [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Active plus – senior online

If you are a person aged 60+, residing in the Warsaw agglomeration, i.e. capital city Warsaw and neighboring counties - contact us! The project aims to acquire new or improve existing skills in the field of digital competences: using a computer, smartphone, tablet and using modern tools and technologies. Implementation period: 2023-05-15 – 2023-12-15 As part of the project 35 […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Your Assistant (Lesser Poland Voivodeship)

The aim of the project is to deinstitutionalize the services provided, stimulate people with disabilities to take up activities, counteract discrimination on the basis of disability and social exclusion of people with disabilities, enable OZN to participate in the life of the local community and enable them to realize their right to an independent life thanks to the support of assistants. The project is addressed to 30 adult OZN from the province. Lesser Poland without [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Respite care for family members or caregivers of people with disabilities – 2023 edition

The Rakiety Oncological Foundation is recruiting for the "Respite care for family members or guardians of people with disabilities" program - 2023 edition as part of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy Program financed by the Solidarity Fund. The program is addressed to family members or guardians who require support in the form of an ad hoc, temporary break in providing direct care for children [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Personal assistant for people with disabilities – 2023 edition

The Rakiety Oncological Foundation is recruiting for the Personal Assistant for People with Disabilities program - 2023 edition as part of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy "Personal Assistant for People with Disabilities" Program - 2023 edition, financed from the Solidarity Fund. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023 The aim of the "Personal Assistant for People with Disabilities" program is primarily to improve the quality of life of people with […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Graduate 3

Rakiety Oncological Foundation in partnership with Change4Good NOT-FOR-PROFIT Sp. Z o. o. is recruiting for the "Absolwent 3" project as part of the "Absolwent" program co-financed by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. We will start with a series of meetings with a psychologist and a career advisor, who will determine the further path of participation in the project depending on your predispositions: obtaining professional qualifications, completing […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Activity Accelerator for the inhabitants of Mazovia

PROJECT "Activity Accelerator for the inhabitants of Mazovia" No. RPMA.09.01.00-14-g765/20, implemented under the Regional Operational Program of the Masovian Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis IX Supporting social inclusion Measures for Axis IX.1 Social and social activation professional development of excluded people and counteracting social exclusion. Project implemented under the European Social Fund Project implementation date: 01/05/2022 to 30/09/2023 Project goal: The goal of the project is […]

Academy of Positive Change for the inhabitants of Łódź

PROJECT "ACADEMY OF POSITIVE CHANGE FOR THE RESIDENTS OF ŁÓDŹ" No. RPLD.09.01.01-10-0039/21, implemented under the Regional Operational Program of the Łódź Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis IX Social inclusion Measures for Axis IX.1 Active integration of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion Sub-measure IX.1.1 Socio-professional activation of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Project implemented under the European Social Fund Deadline [...]

Emergency exit

The EMERGENCY EXIT project involves supporting approximately 60 Ukrainian cancer patients and their relatives in Poland. The assistance is to consist in organizing the diagnosis of a given case and selecting the appropriate path of assistance, i.e. transport to Poland, mediating the design of a medical facility (appropriate to the type of disease) ready to provide oncological treatment, and also providing care to relatives traveling with the patient by finding shelter and providing mental/psychiatric support. […]