Your Assistant III (Małopolska) coming soon


The aim of the project is the social rehabilitation and stimulation of 60 adults with a certificate of significant or moderate degree of disability issued on the basis of art. 1 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 573 and 1981 and of 2022, item 558), residing in the area Lesser Poland Voivodeship (Tarnów subregion or Bochnia district) to undertake activities, counteracting discrimination on the grounds of disability and social exclusion of people with disabilities, enabling disabled people to participate in the life of the local community, introducing assistant services as a form of generally available support and enabling them to exercise their right to independent living. 

According to the terms of the competition, only disabled people who have long-term impaired physical, mental, intellectual or sensory abilities may use the services of a personal assistant, which may, in interaction with various barriers, significantly hinder their participation in social life on an equal basis with other people. People with disabilities other than those indicated above cannot be qualified to participate in the project concerning the implementation of assistant services.

The final beneficiaries of the project in which the assistant service is provided may be participants of occupational therapy workshops, community self-help homes or other facilities – provided that the scope of support implemented in the project does not duplicate the activities undertaken in the facility for a given participant, in accordance with the individual rehabilitation and therapy programme or individual plan of supportive and activating procedures or another support plan/programme developed in accordance with the requirements arising from the regulations regulating the functioning of the facility.

As part of the project, we offer free following support:

  1. Comprehensive diagnosis of life situation with preparation of IPD
  2. Care Manager Services
  3. Personal assistance services (avg. 200 hours of services/BO)
  4. Assessment of increased independence. 

The project candidate must present:

  1. A copy of a certificate of moderate or severe disability or an equivalent document;
  2. A complete set of correctly completed recruitment documents, i.e.
  • a recruitment form containing a declaration of no participation in other projects financed from PFRON funds (the final beneficiary of the project cannot use the same form of support within several projects implemented simultaneously - if the implementation of this form of support leads, in each of the projects, to the achievement of the same effects) and a declaration of the place of residence in the area covered by the project implementation
  • declaration of participation in the project and consent to data processing 
  • GDPR clause

Recruitment is ongoing until all available places are filled. The order of applications will determine qualification for the project. People who were not qualified to participate in the Project due to lack of places will be included on the reserve list.

We invite you to read the Project Regulations attached below and to download and complete the application documents to participate in the project.

For more information about the project, please contact our office:

Rakiety Oncology Foundation
Al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, 02-972 Warsaw
E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 530 503 239

The project is implemented in the period: 01/04/2025 – 31/03/2026.

Value financed from the resources of the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons: PLN 833,282.00