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Side effect of treatment – hair loss

After the first shock of receiving the diagnosis, you face the next stage - treatment. This is a time when you experience many strong emotions, especially at the beginning. This is primarily related to the fear of the unknown, concern about the effectiveness of treatment, as well as great fear of our image of cancer treatment and its side effects. When thinking about side effects, […]

CategoriesKnowledge base

Family towards cancer

The first hundred days after hearing the diagnosis of "cancer" are a time of general existential crisis for the patient and his family. It is a mental, physical and spiritual "earthquake" - a difficult period of realizing that nothing will ever be the same again and an attempt to find one's way in a new reality. At this stage persistent questions arise, [...]

CategoriesKnowledge base

Nutrition during chemotherapy

During treatment, it is important to eat healthily. People who eat healthily cope better with side effects and fight infections faster. In addition, their bodies rebuild healthy tissue faster. Healthy eating involves eating a well-balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients. Healthy eating also involves eating a diet with enough calories so that […]

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Sex, cancer and taboos

Record holders did not have sex even two years after completing cancer treatment - according to research by the "People for People" Foundation. Patients do not know how soon after surgery they can start intercourse or how the treatment may affect libido. Patient sexuality in Polish oncology is basically non-existent. Doctors do not initiate conversations about sex, and patients are afraid [...]

CategoriesKnowledge base

Chemotherapy and emotions

Chemotherapy can cause huge changes in your personal life. It can impact your overall health, threaten your overall well-being, change your daily routine, and put a strain on your relationships. It's no wonder that many people feel anxious, anxious or angry at some point during treatment. These emotions are completely normal and understandable, but they can be disturbing. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with […]

CategoriesKnowledge base

What is chemotherapy and how does it work?

Chemotherapy, next to radiotherapy and surgery, is one of the so-called systemic treatment. This is a complicated method that requires a lot of resources, in which the patient is administered drugs that affect the cell cycle (i.e. cell transformation), and thus inhibit cell proliferation. These drugs are so-called cytostatics. They cause the death of rapidly dividing cells, which include cancer cells. Thanks to this, cancer [...]

CategoriesKnowledge base

Cancer – what next?

After the diagnosis, most people are in shock, and their minds are mainly filled with confusion and panic. Our knowledge about the disease often consists of various stereotypes and third-hand information. Meanwhile, it is a time when we must quickly make important decisions that will affect our entire future lives. However, instead of […]