Seventh-day Adventists have a lower risk of cancer

According to a study published in the journal Cancer, Seventh-day Adventists who frequently eat a plant-based diet have a lower risk of developing cancer and dying from any cause. Researchers compared all-cause mortality and cancer incidence rates in participants in the Adventist Health Study-2 (AHS-2) with the general U.S. population documented in statistics. Early death and cancer rates were lower in the AHS-2 population by 33 and 30 percent, respectively, compared with the general population. Early death and cancer rates were lower among dark-skinned AHS-2 participants by 36 and 22 percent, respectively, compared to dark-skinned people in the statistics.

The authors attribute the lower risk of cancer, higher quality of life in later years, and benefits on other outcomes in the AHS-2 group to lifestyle, primarily reduced or complete meat consumption, non-smoking, and exercise, and suggest that these results could transfer the general population by adopting similar habits.


Fraser GE, Cosgrove CM, Mashchak AD, Orlich MJ, Altekruse SF. Lower rates of cancer and all-cause mortality in an Adventist cohort compared with a US census population. Cancer. Published online November 25, 2019.

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