Collections for those under our care - we collect funds for Goals and Dreams. We all have them. However, for some of us, illness stands in the way of achieving them. Discover the dreams of people like you! Help you beat cancer and get back to everyday life.
100% of donated money goes to those in need!
Maria Gral
Transport to tests consumes my modest pension. I live with my daughter, who is raising a disabled son on her own, which also involves high costs. I know I won't give up the fight against cancer, but the costs...
PLN 50.00 from PLN 80,000.00
Anna Jasieniecka
I know that this is only the beginning of my difficult journey, but I still believe that everything will be fine and that I will win against the enemy that is cancer. I find strength and motivation to continue treatment thanks to my wonderful four-year-old daughter who did not let me break down...
17,868.30 PLN from PLN 15,000.00
Krystyna Beata Kierzek
The diagnosis was a signal for me to take action, I transformed the initial fear into motivation to change my lifestyle and psyche. Cancer leaves no time for hesitation, it calls for action here and now. I'm currently waiting for a consultation and...11,922.29 PLN from PLN 50,000.00
Danuta Kostecka
It was a very difficult decision for me to tell my story and ask for help. I was motivated by a great desire to continue living. I have a wonderful family, my first grandchild was born last year, who is also a great motivation for me...
33,292.85 PLN from PLN 240,000.00
Kamila Rzeczkowska
I am the mother of the sweetest three-year-old and if it weren't for the diagnosis, I would probably lead a quiet and quite ordinary life. In 2019, in the 8th month of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with cancer - breast cancer. I believe that the funds raised will allow me to look...
193 265,90 zł from PLN 80,000.00
Ichor Dulyk
I am an average person who until recently considered herself happy. Why not? A beloved wife, children, grandchildren, family and friends… And who would have thought that a second after the doctors announced the diagnosis, everything would turn upside down, life would be…
PLN 0.00 from PLN 130,000.00
Natalia Hryhorieva
The stress of leaving home and the fear for her and her baby's life accelerated the progression of the disease. Every day Natalia loses not only strength and faith in a stable future, but also hope that this future will come at all.
PLN 15.00 from PLN 130,000.00
Marta Wodara
And so, on Women's Day, instead of enjoying flowers from my husband, I heard the verdict: tumor, suspicion of malignancy on the Birards scale 4c. Even then my whole life flashed before my eyes, after all, I was only 40 years old, I had daughters to raise, I would like to...
24,758.60 PLN from PLN 240,000.00
Kazimierz Laska
Further treatment depends on the progress of the disease - on whether the paralysis disappears and the husband will be able to get up and walk on his own. This requires intensive rehabilitation, also private. When my husband gets back on his feet, he will be able to benefit from innovative glioma treatment. Cost…
245 428,30 zł from PLN 200,000.00
Mikołaj Nowak
We start the collection with some fear, because we know that we cannot handle it on our own. We are extremely grateful for all the help you provide us.
PLN 28,270.00 from PLN 45,000.00
Katarzyna Jaroszewska
I'm 20 years old. Despite my young age, I often fought for my health and life.
7 lutego 2019 roku usłyszałam diagnozę – nowotwór złośliwy kości i chrząstki stawowej z przerzutami do szpiku kostnego i kości miednicy, IV stadium zaawansowania. Pamiętam, iż jedno…10,681.60 PLN from PLN 130,000.00
Oskar Chmielewski
The biggest problem is the isolation associated with having to stay at home. I would like to get better so I can just see my friends and enjoy everyday life.
24,907.03 PLN from PLN 50,000.00