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E-senior 2.0

Intergenerational digitization of Warsaw - basic level ANNOUNCEMENT! Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to the current epidemic situation and the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 23, 2020, we decided to temporarily suspend classes under the "E-senior" project until further notice. Classes will be resumed as soon as the sanitary and epidemiological situation allows. Information about the project will appear on an ongoing basis. […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

First bell

"First Bell" is an annual collection of school products and creative and educational materials for the Foundation's beneficiaries and children's hospitals and hospices in Poland, started in 2010. In 2021, we are collecting products for children staying in: ? Wrocław Hospice for Children Foundation? Bone Marrow Transplantation, Oncology and Pediatric Hematology Clinic in Wrocław? Oncology Department at the Health Center [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Find Help – Support Center for informal/actual caregivers of dependent people in the Bochnia district

The project was completed on 31.03.2022. In the period 01.04.2022 - 31.03.2024, as part of the project's durability, individual consultations, assistant services and respite care services are provided for a fee. Detailed information at tel. 662 598 232 and e-mail: The Rakiety Oncology Foundation in the CHANGE4GOOD NOT-FOR-PROFIT partnership is implementing the project entitled: Find Help - Caregiver Support Center […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Graduate – a path to a dream job for a person with a disability

The Rakiety Oncological Foundation is recruiting for the project "The path to a dream job for a graduate with a disability" as part of the "Absolwent" program co-financed by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. We will start with a series of meetings with a psychologist and a career advisor, who will determine the further path of participation in the project depending on your predispositions: obtaining professional qualifications, completing courses and training [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Intern Plus

INTERNSHIP IN THE GOVERNMENT AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION - A STRAIGHT WAY TO EMPLOYMENT IN THE OPEN LABOR MARKET - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT TODAY. WELCOME! In December 2019, the Rakiety Oncological Foundation started recruitment for the "Trainee Plus in public administration (package 1)" project as part of the STABLE EMPLOYMENT - disabled people in administration and public service program, co-financed by the State Rehabilitation Fund […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Digital Senior Support Points

#COMMUNICATION Ladies and Gentlemen! We kindly inform you that due to the epidemic situation in the country, the Wola I Point in the CAM Nowolipie building is CLOSED FOR ON-SITE ADVICE from October 12, 2020 until further notice. Seniors who have been using this point so far are invited to take advantage of telephone advice from PCWS Wola I: Mondays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Tuesdays [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Local Activity Program for three communities of residents of Katowice Centrum, Chorzów Centrum and Sosnowiec Centrum

As part of Market Insight 01/PC/SLASK/2021, the "Find Help" Foundation encourages you to submit offers: We are looking for a person for the position of: Peacemaker (Employee for Activation of Local Communities) The "Find Help" Foundation is looking for an employee to implement a project aimed at social activation - professional support of the local community of Katowice (1 person) and Sosnowiec (1 person) for 50 hours/month. Basis of employment: mandate contract. An employee outside work […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Better future

The Find Help Foundation in partnership with the National Labor Center sp. z o. o. under axis IX Supporting social inclusion and combating poverty, measure 9.1 Socio-professional activation of excluded people and counteracting social exclusion, is implementing a project entitled: A better future, the aim of which is growth level of social activity and increasing employment opportunities among 200 people (120 women, […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Beautiful in spring

"Beautiful in spring - find yourself in illness" is a campaign of the foundation dedicated to women during and after cancer. The 2021 edition took place online and lasted throughout March. Every Monday in March at 7:00 p.m. there was an online meeting with specialists in the field of cancer, oncology, but also beauty, psychology and more. This year […]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Find a Job – Professional activation of people with disabilities

  Recruitment of participants for the "Find a Job - professional activation of people with disabilities" project (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is underway as part of the "We will overcome barriers" competition co-financed by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON). The aim of the project throughout its duration is to enable 200 people with disabilities to enter the labor market by preparing an Individual Action Plan (IPD) and implementing the resulting […]