Rakiety Oncology Foundation

Cancer is a sneaky thief of life, help me overcome it

The diagnosis turned my life upside down. Surgery is my only chance. I am asking you for help. I believe in people of good will who have shown many times that we can win life together. And I love them so much...

Sport is Kamil's passion - let's help him get back to it

Kamil is 15 years old and is struggling with osteosarcoma. He has already undergone a serious operation and faces further challenges - therapy with a non-reimbursable targeted drug and long-term and expensive rehabilitation.

Bogusz versus glioma

The diagnosis of glioma recurrence caused our world to collapse. We would love to get back to health and be able to stand on the wedding carpet and say "I do". To make this possible, I need your help in saving Bogusz's life.

I dream of staying fit for as long as possible

Due to exhaustion of treatment options, Jan had to start supportive treatment to strengthen his body, weakened by intensive treatment. Already after the first doses I feel better. Help him stay fit for as long as possible.

I still hope that I will be able to enjoy life again

The disease appeared in my life unexpectedly. The medical costs so far have consumed my savings. I know that I have more expenses ahead of me to be able to function as normally as possible. I dream of having the strength to work in the garden, knit or read books again.