Rakiety Oncology Foundation

I want to make plans for the future again!

It's hard for me to admit that I'm no longer self-sufficient, but I accept this lesson with humility and call out to the world: I need help! Because I really want to live, I really want my 14-year-old daughter to have her mother with her, healthy and joyful. I want to make plans for the future again, watch my teenager become an adult.

I don't want to wait idly!

The conference decided on radiotherapy, but I was not qualified for it. I am facing expensive diagnostics and private treatment to examine my entire body and check whether the cancer has not spread further. I also need urgent rehabilitation to save my spine... Without your support, I won't be able to afford it.

The disease teaches me that every day is important

In December 2022, it turned out that I had multiple myeloma. My fight against the disease began in January. The first news about the cancer knocked me off my feet and caused a breakdown, but the support of my wife and daughter allowed me to look at life differently.

My biggest dream is to wake up as a healthy person

Cancer takes everything from me. I want to live and I have someone to live for. I want to use all treatment options to function and heal. I know that there is still a lot of good things waiting for me in my life, so I am asking for help.

I want to be present for my wife and children

My name is Marek. In mid-2023, I was diagnosed with malignant colon cancer with metastases to the liver and lungs. Together with my wife and children, I deeply believe that the treatment undertaken will bring results. I am asking for your support to make this as possible as possible.

I have wonderful grandchildren that I want to enjoy as long as possible

My disease began at the beginning of 2020 with a devastating diagnosis - stage IV ovarian cancer. After a hard fight, remission occurred, but unfortunately at the end of 2022 the disease returned. The current treatment is significantly beyond my financial capabilities. I never thought I would find myself in a situation where I would ask others for support. However, the disease teaches humility and a different perspective on life.

I wish I could wake up every day to watch my grandson grow up

In January 2022, I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. When I thought I was on the right track to recovery, it turned out that my body was attacked by another enemy - a malignant prostate cancer with numerous bone metastases. Please help me fight for my health.

I want to beat cancer and live for my loved ones

I want to live for everyone I love and respect. I want to live for my loved ones who love me - my wife, children, sister and family, as well as for my friends and acquaintances who support me.