Rakiety Oncology Foundation

CategoriesCompleted projects

Graduate 3

Rakiety Oncological Foundation in partnership with Change4Good NOT-FOR-PROFIT Sp. Z o. o. is recruiting for the "Absolwent 3" project as part of the "Absolwent" program co-financed by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. We will start with a series of meetings with a psychologist and a career advisor, who will determine the further path of participation in the project depending on your predispositions: obtaining professional qualifications, completing […]

Graduate 2

Project "The path to a dream job for a graduate with a disability" - SECOND EDITION! The Rakiety Oncological Foundation is recruiting for the second edition of the project "The path to a dream job for a graduate with a disability" as part of the "Absolwent" program co-financed by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. We will start with a series of meetings with a psychologist and a career advisor, who will determine the further path of participation [...]

CategoriesCompleted projects

Graduate – a path to a dream job for a person with a disability

The Rakiety Oncological Foundation is recruiting for the project "The path to a dream job for a graduate with a disability" as part of the "Absolwent" program co-financed by the State Fund for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons. We will start with a series of meetings with a psychologist and a career advisor, who will determine the further path of participation in the project depending on your predispositions: obtaining professional qualifications, completing courses and training [...]