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Rakiety Oncology Foundation

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KRS: 0000414091


Home page » It'sNotRocketScience
Man! Get tested! #ToNieRocketScience!

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Watch the video for step-by-step self-examination instructions:

  1. Learn how to effectively examine yourself,
  2. watch the step-by-step self-examination guide,
  3. read what to do if something worries you
  4. and finally, download a free calendar of men's preventive examinations!

How to perform a testicular self-examination?

Take a warm bath

Self-examination is best performed after a warm bath, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed.

​Do not perform the test before, during or after intercourse to rule out physiological changes related to arousal.

You can perform self-examination on your own or with the help of your partner.

Weigh both testicles

Lift the scrotal sac slightly with your hand, then lift each testicle one at a time.

Notice whether any of them have changed in size in a noticeable way?

Do you feel any testicles feel heavier than usual or swollen? Do you feel physical discomfort when lifted/touched?

Do you feel any changes in your skin? Lumps, ulcers? Pay attention to the skin color and see if there is any permanent redness anywhere.

Examine the testicles

Using your index finger and thumb, examine each testicle by running your thumb over its surface.

Again, pay attention to the size to see if it has changed significantly since the previous self-examination.

​Pay special attention to the surface texture of the kernel – do you feel any roughness? A bulge that isn't there on the other testicle? Thickening? A hard lump or lump? Do you feel physical discomfort during touch or self-examination? Pain, burning, pressure?

What result?

Is nothing bothering you? Fantastic! Save the date for your next self-examination in a month in the calendar - it's best to always get tested on the same day :) i remind your loved one about self-examination: brother, son, father, grandfather, friend.

​Are you concerned about any change?

Make an appointment with a urologist! Don't wait for other symptoms - testicular cancer can develop painlessly.


Between the ages of 17 and 35, but cases of the disease occur even after the age of 70.

If detected early, the cure rate is practically 100% - that's why regular self-examination is so important!

No, it's probably the epididymis - if both are similar in size and shape, smooth, without any roughness or thickening, there is no reason to worry :) it's part of the male genital organs.

Self-examination should be repeated every month.

Scroll down and download a free calendar of preventive tests for men with a detailed list of tests divided into age categories!

Testicular cancer: genetic factors, cryptorchidism (congenital misplacement of the testicle), age (15-35)

Prostate cancer: age 50+, genetics (family history of prostate cancer), sexual abstinence, urinary tract inflammation, alcohol.

Prostate cancer prevention includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, adequate exercise, a healthy diet, avoiding obesity, excess stress, and stimulants, especially smoking. It is recommended to reduce the amount of red and processed meat in the diet, which particularly increases the risk of prostate cancer.

Man at the urologist.
What does the visit look like?

Answered by Dr. Hab. n. med. Roman Sosnowski, urologist

Movember is a special time of the year when we encourage men to take serious care of their "male urological health". One of the most important first steps is to see a urologist. A special group of men who should take care of their urological health a little earlier are people who have cancer in their immediate family. During the visit, the doctor will carefully take an interview, assess your current health condition, perform a physical examination and prepare a plan for further tests/visits. All this to have a chance to detect testicular or prostate cancer at an early, asymptomatic stage. Then we have a chance to use effective treatment methods that guarantee permanent oncological cure with minimal side effects caused by a given therapy.

As urologists, we encourage men to change their lives to eliminate or reduce those elements that are negative factors in the development of urinary tract cancers. Avoiding obesity, maintaining a proper diet similar to the so-called a Mediterranean diet, avoiding stimulants at all costs, especially smoking, and maintaining an active, sporty lifestyle - these are activities that not only improve the effectiveness of prostate cancer treatment, but also reduce other lifestyle diseases.

Ph.D. n. med. Roman Sosnowski, urologist

Urology Office –

Breast examination #ToNieRocketScience!

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Watch the video for step-by-step self-examination instructions:

Did you know that as many as 80% breast changes are detected by women themselves during self-examination? See how to do it effectively!


Self-examination should be performed monthly, preferably between the 5th and 9th day after menstruation, when the breasts are the least sensitive.

We can safely start self-examination after the age of 20.

Yes, the lump can have different shapes - round, smooth, rough, scratchy and even angular and sharp.

On average, a 2 cm cancerous tumor takes about 8 years to grow, so we have a lot of time to find it ourselves during self-examination.

Yes, you can (and should!) carry out self-examination as normal.

In the case of a family history of cancer - from the age of 20, breast ultrasound every six months and mammography every year. Women without family burden - after the age of 40, breast ultrasound and mammography every two years.

Women aged 50-69 can have a free mammogram every two years as part of a preventive screening program.


“I felt a change. What to do?"

Maja Surowicz, President of the Rakieta Oncology Foundation, responds
Maja Surowicz
First of all, don't panic. 80% of detected lesions are benign, non-malignant. Just get rid of them and there is no risk of complications. However, such changes should not be ignored, because even a benign change has the potential to turn malignant. However, remember that during the first self-examination, the tissue of our breasts may surprise us, there are breasts with a predominance of glandular tissue, in which it may seem during the first self-examination that there are a lot of lumps - the most important thing is to get to know your breasts and know what their normal structure is, to be able to distinguish and feel atypical changes. And if the change still worries you, it is worth going to a specialist. If you don't know how often you should undergo check-ups, download our free calendar of preventive tests.

I got a diagnosis. What's next?

An oncological diagnosis always comes to us when we least expect it. The question is whether it is possible to prepare for this moment at all. Each of us knows that we are mortal and that more and more people are suffering from lifestyle diseases. However, when the disease affects us directly, the question often arises - why me?

When I talk to the beneficiaries of our Foundation, I encourage them to treat the disease as a stage in life that must be overcome and closed, and to do everything to ensure that this history never happens again.

When people who have just been diagnosed with cancer call me on the hotline and ask what to do, I answer: brew some lemon balm, take a notebook, a pen and treat this disease like a project that has its own tasks, schedules, budgets, people responsible for specific stages. . This makes it much easier to organize yourself in this difficult reality.