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Przekaż 1,5% podatku na Fundację Rakiety
Houston, mamy procent do zebrania - przekaż 1,5% podatku na Fundację Rakiety

Our Rockets need your help to complete the mission safely

What is the everyday life of cancer patients like? Every day they are suspended between illness and everyday life. That is why we decided to compare their struggles to the most difficult mission in the history of mankind - Apollo 13. The Apollo 13 crew members landed safely on Earth, thanks to the support of the crew and the ground base in Houston. Now it's time for our patients, who can complete their oncological mission and return to health, to their families and loved ones, only thanks to our joint support.

Get to know the stories of our beneficiaries!

I was diagnosed with leukemia when I was pregnant with my long-awaited second child. The sunsets were even more breathtaking because I thought one of them might be my last. I felt like life was playing a trick on me – I was supposed to be celebrating the birth of my child, not fighting cancer. My family and friends encouraged me, but at some point it wasn't enough. 

When I learned about the values that guide the Foundation and saw "Rakiety", I thought it was a small miracle. For me the Rocket Foundation, her The president and girlswho work there are people always standing at the ready. The most important thing here is to help. Knowing that if anything happened, the Foundation would not abandon the ward's family gave me peace of mind. When someone is sick, I immediately know which Foundation to recommend.


My adventure with the Foundation really began thanks to my wife. During my illness, she needed emotional support, conversation. That's how she found the Rakiety Oncology Foundation. She received the support she needed, at the same time taking advantage of the knowledge of the Foundation’s employees regarding the further treatment of my illness. 

The rockets helped me substantively, and also helped me create a fundraiser, thanks to which I was able to recover faster and stand on my own feet. I also received help with my diet and could count on the help of a psycho-oncologist. From the people working at the Foundation I received a lot of good, warm words, a lot of kindness and help when my wife and I needed it the most.



At the age of 36, I was diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer. Half a year later, I learned that my mother had the same diagnosis. It was definitely too much, but thanks to the entire team of the Rakiety Foundation, I know that cancer is not a death sentence and that there are ways to deal with it. With their help, I found them, organized it all in my head, and the head is the path to success in oncological treatment. 

There are better days, there are worse days, but on the worse days I know I can count on "rocket help" in every respect. They don't refer you to a queue with a number, they ask... "what else can we help you with?" 

In my opinion, every oncology patient at the beginning of their journey with the disease should receive their business card. A team of people fully committed to helping others. Thanks to them, I feel cared for and guided by the hand throughout my oncological history.


Space 2024 in a nutshell.

We've done so much, but we still need rocket fuel for more!

  • We provided support to 1011 beneficiaries and their loved ones, 
  • We provided 923 hours of psycho-oncological consultations, 481 dietary consultations, 186 psycho-oncological consultations in Ukrainian, 125 psychiatric consultations, 29 consultations with a pain management specialist, 36 consultations with a child psychologist, 27 sexological consultations, and 17 holistic consultations.
  • We delivered dream Christmas gifts to 110 of our youngest charges and 80 packages to patients from the Oncology and Hematology Ward at the Banacha Hospital.
  • As part of the “First Bell” campaign, we delivered 23 packages with essential school supplies to children from oncology wards.
  • We delivered 16 packages of hygiene products, cleaning agents and food products to those in the most difficult economic situation. 
  • As part of Pink October and Movember, we conducted 19 lectures and 25 activities, such as group workshops and prevention stands.
  • We have implemented 32 pro bono initiatives for universities, associations, non-governmental organizations and rural women's groups, promoting oncological prevention. 

How to donate 1.5% and support our space mission?
There are many ways, but there is one goal.


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