Rakiety Oncology Foundation

I want to regain my old everyday life

I am the mother of the sweetest three-year-old and if it weren't for the diagnosis, I would probably lead a quiet and quite ordinary life. In 2019, in the 8th month of pregnancy, I was diagnosed with cancer - breast cancer. I believe that the collected funds will allow me to look at cancer as a chronic disease, not as a terminal disease. And I believe that my life will become completely normal again.

I was given a chance to win the fight against glioma

My name is Tomasz - I am a husband and father. On July 13, I heard the worst news in my life: a brain stem tumor, which turned out to be a brain stem tumor grade IV glioma. I was referred to TTFields therapy (Optune), which is not reimbursed. Therefore, I am asking everyone for help so that I can receive treatment for as long as possible.

I want to be happy again

I am an average person who until recently considered myself happy. Why not? Beloved wife, children, grandchildren, family and friends... And who would have thought that a second after the doctors announced the diagnosis, everything would turn upside down, life would seem to stop, and I would feel as if I did not exist in this beautiful world. .

Help Natalia regain hope

The stress of leaving home and the fear for her and her baby's life accelerated the progression of the disease. Every day Natalia loses not only strength and faith in a stable future, but also hope that this future will come at all.

I want to raise my daughters

And so, on Women's Day, instead of enjoying flowers from my husband, I heard the verdict: tumor, suspicion of malignancy on the Birards scale 4c. Already then my whole life was flashing before my eyes, after all, I'm only 40 years old, I have daughters to raise, I would like to wait for their weddings, what can I say, first the communion of the younger daughter, Łucja, and the completion of primary school of the older daughter, Zosia.

The disease appeared suddenly and became a death sentence

Further treatment depends on the progress of the disease - on whether the paralysis disappears and the husband will be able to get up and walk on his own. This requires intensive rehabilitation, also private. When my husband gets back on his feet, he will be able to benefit from innovative glioma treatment. The cost of these therapies reaches 200,000. zlotys. We don't have many treatment options due to the specific nature of the tumor, but there is hope and it motivates us to fight.

I want to mature without fighting for life

I'm 20 years old. Despite my young age, I often fought for my health and life.
On February 7, 2019, I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of bones and articular cartilage with metastases to the bone marrow and pelvic bones, stage IV. I remember that one of the words I said to my sister after hearing the diagnosis was: "Don't cry, because it means you're losing hope." To a large extent, they prevented me from taking back any step I had taken forward.

I want to get up on my own feet

I want to get up on my own feet, go for a walk, go to the store, take a shower on my own. Now the most important thing for me is to stand in front of the altar with the woman of my life.