Rakiety Oncology Foundation

I believe I will cope with the next challenge

Two years ago I found out I had breast cancer. The treatment process was a challenge for me and my loved ones, but I recovered. Today I had to face a recurrence of the disease. To strengthen the body during subsequent chemotherapy, it is necessary to implement supportive treatment, which is very expensive.

My children and grandchildren motivate me to fight

I am a substitute parent for my younger 16-year-old granddaughter, I want to watch her grow up. I also want my youngest 19-year-old daughter to fulfill her dreams and plans, which my illness has sidelined.

I believe in a better tomorrow

Despite my health problems, I am a cheerful person and I try to smile a lot. I believe in a better tomorrow. I want to spend the funds I collect mainly on travel to the hospital as well as consultations and specialist tests.

I would like to meet my beloved grandson again

I raise a 15-year-old son alone, who has only me. I believe that I can overcome the disease and enter adult life with him. My friends reported me to the Foundation to help me with this. I am asking for support.

I have someone to live for

A brain tumor is a difficult opponent, but I do not lose faith. I have someone to live for.
For now, I'm mourning the loss of my son and focusing on healing. I am asking you to support me during this extremely difficult period.

Help Frank return to his passion

The disease changed Frank's everyday life. This twelve-year-old boy dreams of returning to swimming, being among his peers and spending time actively again - help him make this dream come true.