Małgorzata Wielgosz

The amount visible on this page is the sum of funds from donations made through Siepomaga and the Rakiety Oncological Foundation.

65 390,60 zł from PLN 80,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

4730,17 zł

Reimbursed expenses

60660.43 PLN


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My history

Collection for:

supplements, medicines, travel to treatment, diet, supportive treatment, rehabilitation


Updated on 22/01/2025

The past year has been incredibly difficult for me – aggressive chemo, two surgeries, rehabilitation. All of this has required enormous strength from me. Despite these difficulties, as we enter the new year, I have more hope. I believe that the disease will calm down, and I will regain more time and energy to return to balance.

I lived through this time in constant fear – for myself and for my children. However, the way in which my family, friends, the Foundation and complete strangers offered me their help gave me wings, especially in moments of doubt.

For every support – financial, spiritual, and also for help in everyday, difficult situations. Thanks to you and thanks to God, whom I keep close to me all the time, we managed to survive this year.

I have another operation coming up in February, and another in March. The effects of chemotherapy and the operation are a challenge for me, but rehabilitation and supportive treatment allow me to believe that everyday life will become easier. I hope that soon I will be able to help others.

My children are my greatest motivation. Despite my illness, I try to be present in their lives and support them in everyday matters. I know that they need me, which is why my will to live is stronger than anything else.


In January this year, during check-ups, I found out that I had a tumor in my breast. Thanks to my friends, I managed to see an oncologist the next day, who very quickly referred me to further tests. I heard the diagnosis: a malignant infiltrating tumor with a tendency to grow rapidly. The decision to implement treatment was made immediately, as the tumor had enlarged by approximately 2 cm since the biopsy. I had the first chemotherapy on February 16, then every two weeks, and after Easter, 12 doses every week. After the chemotherapy cycle, surgery is planned to remove the entire breast including the nodes that are also involved. I can't eat, my intestines and stomach are burning, I'm very weak, and this is only the beginning of the treatment. Before the oncological diagnosis, I was treated for Lyme disease for 1.5 years, which makes my body significantly weakened.

This whole situation is very difficult for me for one more reason: after many years, I freed myself from a toxic marriage and I am raising three children on my own. The disease really shook me up after the difficult experiences we had gone through. Our dream was to move to my family in Masuria, build a small house there, and start living anew. And suddenly everything collapsed. Almost three years of hard work to give children a sense of stability and security, therapy, support from friends and now everything is on the edge again. Unfortunately, my past keeps coming back to me, which additionally causes enormous stress and certainly does not help in the healing process.

I can't cope without help, although it's hard for me to admit it, because I've always tried to cope on my own. With three children and their needs, unfortunately I cannot afford supportive treatment that strengthens the body between subsequent chemotherapy cycles.

My biggest dream is to raise my children Ania, Boguś and Zosia to be wise and brave people who will respect every person and love life. I would like to build a small house, set up a herbarium and help people, because that was my plan two years ago, when I was finishing additional studies in phytotherapy and herbalism and trying to rebuild my health and life as well as that of my children.

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Małgorzata by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Małgorzata Wielgosz

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Małgorzata Wielgosz

Bank transfer details