Krystyna Kuczyńska

I believe that my fate will turn around, and in the future on my path, fear and helplessness will give way to joy, carefreeness and hope.

1,527.12 PLN from PLN 80,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

175.70 PLN

Reimbursed expenses

1351.42 PLN


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My history

Collection for:

medicines, travel, medical consultations, supplements


Updated on 04/09/2024

Although the cancer has stopped, my fight for health is still ongoing. I still have to take immunological infusions, the one-time cost of which is PLN 600. Monthly expenses for medicines amount to around PLN 500, because I also take medicines for the heart, kidneys and liver. In my current condition, I also have to take care of a healthy diet, which unfortunately I cannot afford.

Over the past three months, my financial situation has deteriorated significantly. due to the growing number of medications and frequent trips for check-ups and treatment with a cardiologist, pulmonologist and urologist. Currently, my body is very weakened and susceptible to all types of inflammation. The coronavirus infection has further deepened health problems, causing more and more side effects.

Everyday life is becoming more and more difficult, because I cannot afford rehabilitation or more frequent, necessary doctor visits due to costs. I am very often dependent on financial help from family and friends. My monthly income, including the care allowance of PLN 215.60, is around PLN 1,400.

Every month I have to decide whether to spend this money on current bills, food and living, or on treatment.

I have spent the support I have received so far on medication, for which I am extremely grateful. At the same time, I am asking for further help so that I can recover from my illness and start functioning normally, without fear for each day.


Updated on 22/01/2024

I am still undergoing chemotherapy and it has metastasized. My body is very weak, so I try to strengthen it with supplements. In addition, there are medications and trips to doctors.

I don't give up because I have someone to live for. My grandson, children and especially my daughter who takes care of me give me great motivation to fight. It's very difficult for me to write about how I feel, I don't think I'll leave yet, it's not time for me to leave.


My story with the disease has been going on since 2021 - a year too long. I got the diagnosis during one of the mammograms, and then things happened very quickly.

Almost immediately I had to undergo surgery, after which I had to undergo red chemotherapy. Unfortunately, I could not count on the effectiveness of the treatment. My situation worsened with the spread to the lymph nodes. Then the side effects turned my everyday life into a nightmare, weakening my body and depriving me of energy.

I couldn't eat - I was teetering on the verge of extreme exhaustion. Today, that time is just a blurry, uncomfortable flash of which I don't remember much. The pain and uncertainty I experienced did not end my difficult journey - from November to February this year I had to take further chemistry courses, this time white. Additionally, I underwent exposure to radiation for 7 months.

My condition is an unknown, also for me. I know that I have to treat myself, control myself and monitor the situation, preventing the cancer from gaining even the slightest room to maneuver. However, such activities involve expensive consultations and travel to subsequent medical facilities. Currently, commuting and medications reduce my budget by PLN 1,000 each week. I feel that a different threat is lurking on all sides - I am worried about the possible development of the disease, but I am also terrified by the prospect of using funds for treatment. I would like to see a happy ending to this story, but there is still a long way to go - I am still undergoing chemotherapy, I am still fighting off the attacks of the disease - every day is a fight.

The disease is parasitic on both my health and my fears. I'm tired of constantly living in fear, dark thoughts, and a sense of absolute resignation. I would like to look into the future with hope and faith in regaining health. Currently, my greatest motivation to fight is my 7-year-old grandson, Brian. The energy and life it brings to my everyday life make me really want to look for new ways and fight off the attacks of the disease, even when I feel like I'm losing strength. I believe that my fate will turn around, and in the future on my path, fear and helplessness will give way to joy, carefreeness and hope.

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Krystyna by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Krystyna Kuczyńska

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Krystyna Kuczyńska

Bank transfer details