Joanna Grzeszczak

I have never asked the question, “How much time do I have left?” I believe that each of us is more than a statistic. Life is not mathematics and I want to defeat the cancer that attacked me, turning my life upside down. However, I need support.

28,566.34 PLN from PLN 200,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

20319,12 zł

Reimbursed expenses

8247,22 zł


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My history

Collection for:

medicines, supplements, healthy diet, rehabilitation, travel, intravenous infusions of vitamins and microelements, doctor visits


LG stromal sarcoma – stage 4 tumor with distant metastases. This diagnosis was a shock to me. I have never asked the question: "How much time do I have left?" I believe that each of us is more than a statistic. Life is not mathematics, and a doctor is not God to pass sentences. That is why I decided to fight, combining conventional and supportive treatment, an anti-inflammatory diet, supplements and, above all, a positive attitude. I believe that all this together can work wonders. Today I turn to you with a request for support - I need funds for further treatment and rehabilitation, because the daily pain resulting from adhesions, tissue tension and lymphatic congestion makes it very difficult for me to function.

From the very beginning I have been grateful for every złoty, warm thought or prayer in my intention. I believe that such small gestures add up to a huge force that helps me recover. Stromal sarcoma is a rare cancer that I found out about completely unexpectedly in January 2023. I was then admitted to hospital for a uterine fibroid removal operation. During the procedure, doctors noticed some worrying changes and took samples for testing. The diagnosis I received later completely overwhelmed me – cancer in the last stage, with metastases to the lungs, as well as infiltrations in the uterus, sigmoid colon, bladder, ovary and lymph nodes. The decision was quick: an emergency operation that included the removal of the uterus, ovaries, part of the intestine, a bundle of lymph nodes and the greater omentum. The lung lesions were too numerous to be surgically removed. Two operations in three weeks and three blood transfusions exhausted me both physically and mentally.

After leaving the hospital, I had to take action. I knew that conventional treatment was not everything – my cancer is hormone-dependent, so chemo or radiotherapy are not effective. I decided to provide additional support: curcumin and salinomycin infusions, an anti-inflammatory diet selected by an oncology dietician, supplements, hydrotherapy and tests to control the condition of the body. Each of these elements helps me reduce inflammation, strengthen immunity and support regeneration. It was these actions that allowed me to achieve what today seems like a small miracle – at the moment I have no recurrence, and the changes in my lungs have started to disappear. I believe that further consistency in treatment and rehabilitation will allow me to maintain this stability.

The disease forced me to stop and reevaluate my life. I began to notice what was really important – small pleasures, closeness to family, time with friends. I discovered a new passion that allows me to cut myself off from the daily struggle, and I learned to take care of my needs. I believe that despite adversities, you can live the best you can. Every day is a new chance for me. However, continuing the fight requires support – infusions, diet, supplements, rehabilitation, tests – all of this generates huge costs that exceed my capabilities.

That is why I am asking for your help with all my heart – every złoty and every gesture is of great importance. Together we can do extraordinary things. Thank you for your support.

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Joanna by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Joanna Grzeszczak

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Joanna Grzeszczak

Bank transfer details