Ina Sokołowska

The diagnosis turned my life upside down. Surgery is my only chance. I am asking you for help. I believe in people of good will who have shown many times that we can win life together. And I love them so much...

76,845.90 PLN from PLN 500,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

17670.90 PLN

Reimbursed expenses

59175.00 PLN


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My history

Collection for:

surgery at the Ichilov Hospital clinic


My name is Ina. Until January 2021, I led a wonderful life: work, study, travel, pursuing my passion, my wonderful friends. In January 2021, my life turned upside down. I received devastating news - advanced stage ovarian cancer, IIIc.

It started very innocently: after the Christmas period, I had an increased abdominal circumference and a feeling of satiety and overflow. It must be Christmas - I thought - and I started a reducing diet. However, after a week, the abdominal circumference increased even more, a feeling of discomfort appeared, and there were also disturbing pains in the liver area. I immediately took action - I went to the doctor who performed an ultrasound examination.

During the ultrasound examination, I experienced a shock - the doctor made a preliminary diagnosis - cancer
metastases to the abdominal cavity. My world collapsed. I couldn't gather my thoughts. I went to the hospital
where I was immediately hospitalized. This was the beginning of my long fight with this monster.

From February 2021 - chemotherapy, then surgery, then chemotherapy again. I was still in shock, I couldn't
When I received the information about an extremely malignant tumor that had attacked me, I thought: no! That's it
not happening! Fortunately, the chemistry started working. In June 2021, I went into remission.

However, this disease did not let me rest for long, after 6 months it came back. Chemistry again
chemistry, chemistry. This lasted another 5 months. I have ensnared this monster once again. However, it turned out that not for long. This time he came back after 5 months, in October 2022. Another trial, another line of chemotherapy. This time I had been in continuous chemotherapy for almost 9 months. My physical and spiritual strength was already leaving me. I asked the doctors for a break because I couldn't cope anymore... Over time, after hormonal treatment, the disease seemed to stabilize.

Only 3 months have passed. In September 2023, I underwent computed tomography examination - progression
diseases, further intraperitoneal dissemination, emergence of new disease foci…

For some time now, I have been consulting my treatment in foreign clinics, looking for a specialist
knowledge and specialist support of doctors who have access to modern treatment standards.
At the moment, the only salvation for me is surgery, which may give me a chance to recover.

Doctors in Poland refused to allow me such an operation, saying that I was an inoperable patient. The only clinic that agreed to perform the surgery is a clinic in Israel, Ichilov Hospital. The operation was valued at PLN 500,000. However, I do not have such financial possibilities, so I decided to ask you for support.

This is the last chance for recovery. I am asking you for help. I believe in people of good will,
who have shown many times that you can win life together. And I love them so much...
I love spending time with my family and friends, talking, laughing, traveling together.
Every day I give thanks for everything I have. I would like to experience many more wonderful moments.
I believe that good always comes back.

Cancer is a sneaky thief of life, help me overcome it.

Thank you.

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Ina by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Ina Sokołowska

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Ina Sokołowska

Bank transfer details