Evelina Aleksiychuk

Her whole life has been a fight against cancer. Ewelinka doesn't know what a normal, carefree childhood is. The worst thing is that neuroblastoma often comes back. Then it is even more dangerous. We can't let her come back for Ewelinka! She may not survive another fight from the beginning...

382.50 PLN from PLN 1,500,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

382.50 PLN

Reimbursed expenses



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My history

Collection for:

therapy against cancer recurrence


When my daughter was born, she seemed completely healthy. However, when I returned home with Ewelinka, I noticed that something bad was happening. Her belly was getting bigger. My little daughter has been diagnosed stage IV neuroblastoma with liver metastases. I could not believe that. How is it possible that such a baby has to fight for his life, which has only just begun?!

My daughter was only 2 months old when we started treatment in Olsztyn. Ewelinka received chemotherapy, but her condition was getting worse every day. I held her in my arms when she stopped breathing - my baby was dying. Fortunately, a quick rescue operation restored her breathing... I already know what fear it is - the worst possible fear. I felt like I was dying with her...

Ewelinka's belly grew and grew. Tumor size – 7×8 cm. In such a tiny body! At one point, the liver occupied as many as 80% of all abdominal organs. As the chemotherapy did not work, we were urgently transported to Warsaw for life-saving radiotherapy. It was the last hope.

Fortunately, it worked - the tumor on my liver began to shrink. Unfortunately, subsequent chemotherapy was ineffective - but it led to the progression of the disease. The tumor began to actively grow, and new tumors appeared in other places.

My daughter was classified as high-risk. We were transferred to intensive care, from where Ewelinka was placed on the operating table. Doctors managed to remove the primary tumor, but not in its entirety - 70% was removed. Then another, very difficult chemotherapy... I would like to erase this time from my memory... My baby suffered terribly, and I - her mother - couldn't do anything to help her!

After chemotherapy, another surgery and removal of the residual tumor, then a bone marrow transplant and another radiotherapy. I'm mentioning it in one breath, but these are hours, days, weeks filled down to the second with fear, pain and suffering... Anyone who hasn't experienced it can't even imagine this hell...

Currently, my daughter is undergoing immunotherapy. This is a very difficult and very painful treatment. However, I believe that Ewelinka will survive to finally defeat neuroblastoma! However, due to the high-risk group, you need therapy against cancer recurrence, available only in New York, USA. Consequently, it is not reimbursed... The cost of a series of vaccinations that reduce the risk of fatal recurrence is estimated at PLN 1.5 million!

That's why this collection, that's why my - a desperate mother - begging for help...

On top of all that, there is rehabilitation. The tumor was gigantic, pressing on the nerves responsible for moving the legs. Because of this, my daughter – although she will soon be 2 years old – still cannot walk. She can barely lift her legs a few centimeters…

Her whole life has been a fight against cancer. Ewelinka doesn't know what a normal, carefree childhood is... The worst thing is that neuroblastoma often comes back. Then it is even more dangerous. We can't let her come back for Ewelinka! She may not survive another fight from the beginning...

The only thing I want is for my daughter to live! I believe that he will overcome the disease, and then learn to walk and run bravely into the world... I can see it in my imagination.

I am begging for help for my little daughter. Without people with big hearts, without even the smallest donations, without sharing the collection, the cancer will come back and take Ewelinka away from me.

Irena, Ewelinka's mother

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Evelina by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Ewelina Aleksijczuk

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Ewelina Aleksijczuk

Bank transfer details