Dorota Sokołowska

I have always cared about a healthy lifestyle and had regular examinations, so the information about the disease that appeared suddenly was shocking to me.

20 306,20 zł from PLN 60,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

6249,60 zł

Reimbursed expenses

PLN 14,056.60


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My history

Collection for:

supportive treatment


Updated on March 11, 2024

When I found out I had cancer, my world ended. 20 years ago my mother received such a diagnosis. She died three months later. I thought it would be like that with me too.

Meanwhile, a year has passed since surgery for ovarian cancer and a huge 12/10 cm endometrial tumor. But the world before the diagnosis really ended. Now I live every day and I am grateful for everything. I am grateful to the doctors thanks to whom I am still here. I am grateful to everyone who supported me financially through this subaccount, enabling me to undergo expensive therapy immediately after the surgery.
I would like to thank the Rakiety Foundation for its immediate help, ON TIME, in the most difficult moment.

Thank you with all my heart, also to those who will continue to support me. To prevent recurrence and combat the side effects of radiotherapy, treatment is still necessary. You also need to undergo expensive tests regularly. This disease will never be forgotten. Thank you for any further help.

My dream is to develop educational activities promoting health so that young people do not make the mistakes that led me to a health disaster. I would really like it to come true.



It hit me like a bolt from the blue.
I had no symptoms, suddenly I started bleeding, which is typical of post-menopausal bleeding
I was very surprised. Because I have additional insurance from work, the deadline is...
I got a gynecologist immediately. It was Friday, February 24, 2023 in the afternoon. The doctor examined it and said yes
I should be in the hospital by now. He issued an urgent referral. By the way – the same
a test in October 2022 showed nothing.

Already on Sunday morning, February 26. I was admitted to the Gynecological Oncology Department of the hospital
at Starynkiewicza in Warsaw (operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). On Monday
sampling, CT scan on Tuesday, other tests in the meantime. While you wait
I was allowed to go home for the results.
They called me on March 8 to tell me to come. The next day I was at the hospital to discuss the results. I heard that the situation is serious, that there are two tumors, and what else is involved remains to be seen
after opening the abdomen. I also had to be prepared for the possible removal of my anus.
I signed all consents. I returned to the ward on March 12. The operation took place on March 13. on Monday. Since my body is generally in good condition, everything healed nicely afterwards. Navel wound
down the entire belly. Fortunately, the anus did not need to be removed. They sent me home

The peace and quiet at home did its job and the wound healed without complications, and my strength slowly returned. Currently
I feel good, although I am still weak and have lost a lot of weight. Fortunately, I work remotely, so I am professionally active as much as my health allows. Without work, I wouldn't be able to support myself, not to mention the medical bills.

4/04 I was given the results of post-operative histopathology at the hospital. Turns out they weren't
metastasis, just two separate, different cancers that developed independently of each other. One
very large 12/10 cm and malignant G1, the second one on the ovary is smaller but more malignant G2.
I was told that in this situation radio- and chemotherapy would be necessary. They said this
it will be a huge burden on the body, but with such malignancy of changes, there is no other option.

To strengthen my body and protect against side effects of treatment, I use supportive treatment methods. The doctor prescribed me what I could afford, which was some supplements and a few drips as a minimum. But much more would be necessary. These types of drugs come from Germany and Switzerland, so they are expensive. One such infusion costs - depending on the dose - from PLN 1,800 to over PLN 3,000.

The sums needed for my treatment are far beyond my means, and the families,
who could support me, I don't have it. That's why I would be very grateful for your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every penny!

Es war Blitz vom heiteren Himmel!
Ich hatte keine Beschwerden aber, erstaunlicherweise mit 59, fing ich an zu bluten. Ich bin
gleich zum Frauenarzt gegangen. Das war Freitag den 24/02/23. Seine Worte vergesse ich
no: sie sollten schon im Krankenhaus sein. Tatsächlich schon am Sonntag 26/02. war in der
Onkologischen Station der Starynkiewicza Krankenhaus in Warschau. Dann gab es
Untersuchungen und Vorbereitung zu einer OP, die am 13/03. stattgefunden hat. Am
17/04/23 wurde ich entlassen.
Der histopathologischer Befund nach der OP stellte zwei Tumore fest. Wieder
erstaunlicherweise, zwei verschiedene Arten von Tumoren, die sich unabhängig voneinander
entwickelt haben. Einer 12/10 cm Böswilligkeit-Grad G1, zweiter kleiner, aber böswilliger –
Daher nötige postoperative Behandlung ist bei mir komplexer und komlizierter.
Solche Behandlung ist bei uns nur privat zugänglich. Die Kosten übersteigen meine
Möglichkeiten. Deswegen bin ich für jede kleinste finanzielle Unterstützung unendlich

It hit me like a bolt from the blue.
It was Friday afternoon 24th of February 2023- cancer diagnosis. I was in hospital on Sunday
morning. Treatment and getting ready for the operation that took place on 13th March.
They were able to remove two cancerous tumors. As it turned out they were two different
types of cancer. One of them was bigger 12/10cm and malignancy G1 and the other one was
smaller, but more malignant G2.
That is why my after surgery therapy is complex and complicated. It can only be
done privately. The cost of it is way beyond my means.
I will be grateful for any even the smallest financial help!

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Dorota by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Dorota Sokołowska

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Dorota Sokołowska

Bank transfer details