Aneta Ambroży

"Hope comes to a person along with another person" - until now I was usually on the other side, providing support to others, now the roles have been reversed. However, I believe that goodness returns, and you will write a positive ending to my story with me.

4,841.60 PLN from PLN 20,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

4841.60 PLN

Reimbursed expenses



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My history

Collection for:

rehabilitation, consultations and specialist tests, medicines and supplements, transport to medical facilities


My name is Aneta. I have worked as a Polish language teacher for almost twenty years, currently supporting students with special educational needs, including students with various disabilities. Privately I am the mother of three wonderful childrenwho have already lost their father. The last years of my life have been full of constant stress and fighting against various adversities. Since my husband's accident in 2010, I was supporting the family on my own, but I always tried to rise to the occasion, always thinking about others, rarely about myself. Work was my passion, I loved being active. However, the disease forced me to reevaluate my priorities and put a brake on my daily rush.

When the long-awaited stabilization finally came after many years, at the turn of November and December 2023 I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer, as it turned out later with metastases to lymph nodes. My whole world stopped, fell into a million pieces... First there was fear, uncertainty, pain and terrible helplessness, crying and tears. Especially since the disease appeared in my life unexpectedly, I did not experience any symptoms in this area and I systematically took care of prevention. It was hard for me to believe that cancer was not a death sentence, but despite the shocking diagnosis, I did not want to give up. I was lucky that at this difficult moment in my life I found a wonderful doctor who filled my heart with hope, giving me strength and determination to fight. I call him my "Guardian Angel" because he was the first one to turn on a light in the darkness and make me realize that health begins in the head. And thanks to the support of wonderful people - my loved ones, family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, I survived intense months of diagnosis and then treatment. 

I am currently under the care of specialists from the Oncology Clinic of the University Hospital in Krakow, which is 115 km away from my place of residence. So far, I have already undergone bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and lymphadenectomy, one surgery was carried out on the National Health Fund, the other as a preventive one - privately. However, this is not the end of treatment. To reduce the risk of disease recurrence and metastases, I require hormone therapy with aromatase inhibitors and monthly injections in the form of subcutaneous Reseligo implants, and I will also receive zoledronic acid infusions to prevent osteoporosis, which may be caused by hormonal therapy. In order to strengthen my body, I have to take various supplements and follow an anti-inflammatory diet with a low glycemic index, but due to the limited mobility and dexterity of the leading arm after lymphadenectomy (chordae tendinea syndrome) and the prevention of lymphedema, I need private rehabilitation, as the waiting period for therapy under National Health Fund is almost a year. Additionally, I require paid specialist consultations, psychological support, and diagnostic and follow-up tests. 

Despite all difficulties, I try to think positively and function "normally", looking to the future with hope. I finally have someone to live for, there are still so many challenges and roles to fulfill. I believe that I will regain my full life so that I can enjoy every day.

Thank you in advance for all your help and every contribution! 
May the good you show come back to you with double strength!

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Aneta by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Aneta Ambroży

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Aneta Ambroży

Bank transfer details