Victoria Arsenowicz
Thanks to specialist treatment, I have the chance to spend more time in good health, surrounded by my loved ones - and this is priceless to me. I dream of returning to being a healthy person, full of dreams and plans. Thank you for every złoty.
30 680,00 zł from PLN 250,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
30680,00 zł
Reimbursed expenses
My history
Collection for:
treatment abroad, non-reimbursed medicines
Updated on 12/03/2025
What treatment will be available to me depends largely on the funds raised. I am currently preparing to be admitted to the National Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, where radiotherapy is planned to last six weeks – 30 exposures will be performed, five days a week. The effect of this treatment is uncertain – it is difficult to predict how I will feel after it is finished and what the final result will be, which makes it even more difficult to plan the next stages of therapy.
My future plans include participating in clinical trials for Everolimus and ONC201., which are held in France. Participation in this study involves spending the first two months of treatment in France, after which periodic returns abroad and continuation of oral therapy are planned. Estimated costs include transport, accommodation and fees related to check-ups - they can amount to up to 100 thousand zlotys throughout the entire period of participation, depending on individual needs.
I am also considering Dendritic Cell Therapy, or dendritic cell therapy. This is an innovative form of immunotherapy in which my own cells are taken, modified in the laboratory to increase their ability to stimulate an immune response against the cancer, and then reintroduced into the body. The cost of this therapy was estimated at around 40 thousand euros..
In addition to the therapies mentioned, the total treatment costs also include costs related to visits to specialists, supplementation, travel, a diet to support the body, and psychological support for me and my family.
Two months ago I was a healthy person, full of dreams, plans and with my whole life ahead of me. Today I need your supportto gain what the most precious – time.
I spent New Year's Eve 2025 alone at home, unconscious for several days, and then in the hospital I heard a diagnosis that turned my life upside down: Malignant brain tumor (grade IV glioma) about a rare mutation and a location that makes surgery difficult. As my health deteriorated, I lost my previous source of income, which makes every month uncertain – especially since further treatment will be extremely expensive.
With your support I will be able to finance treatment abroad and cover the costs of non-reimbursable medicines, thanks to which I have the chance to spend more time with you in good health. Every next day surrounded by my loved ones is priceless to me, and specialist treatment is the only way to have as many of these days as possible.
Thank you for every zloty that brings me closer to this goal <3
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Wiktoria by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Victoria Arsenowicz
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Victoria Arsenowicz