Tomasz Szkudlarek

For me, your help is not only real financial support, but above all a huge dose of hope and strength to continue fighting.

983.93 PLN from 2,000,000.00 PLN


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

983.93 PLN

Reimbursed expenses



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My history

Collection for:

non-reimbursed Optune treatment, immunotherapy


My name is Tomasz, I am 63 years old. I am a happy husband and father. I work in a profession that I like, and I am fulfilled in family life. My passions are hiking in the mountains and riding a motorcycle. I love physical activity and contact with nature. Unfortunately, my life changed drastically in late June 2024 when I was diagnosed with stage IV malignant glioma.

It all started with minor memory problems, fatigue and changes in my personality that my family noticed. On June 23rd in the evening I was admitted to hospital with a very severe headache. An MRI revealed a brain tumor. On June 24th I underwent an emergency, multi-hour surgery to remove the tumor from my right frontal lobe. The tumor was over 6.8 cm and its removal was impossible due to its size and location. Even partial removal was associated with a huge risk of serious neurological disorders, which fortunately were avoided.

The final diagnosis is Glioblastoma multiforme grade IV, which was a huge blow to me and my family. I am currently undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are standard treatments. Glioma is a very aggressive brain tumor that most often recurs, and its recurrence can occur in a short time and in a place that is difficult to surgically remove.

Despite everything, I do not lose hope and I am determined to fight. After medical consultations, I decided to start TTFields therapy using the device Optun, which produces electromagnetic fields, disrupting tumor growth and leading to the death of cancer cells. This modern treatment is standard in Germany, Switzerland and the USA, but its cost is about 130,000 PLN per month, and the therapy requires at least 6 months of use. I also plan to continue treatment with immunotherapy.

The costs of treatment are enormous, and time is not on my side. However, I am determined to win this fight. Every form of support brings me closer to health and gives me hope for the future.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my fundraiser for cancer treatment. Your help is not only real financial support for me, but above all a huge dose of hope and strength to continue fighting.

With gratitude,
Tomasz with his family

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Tomasz by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Tomasz Szkudlarek

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Tomasz Szkudlarek

Bank transfer details