Sabrina Tybulczuk
The treatment is very expensive for me, monthly treatment currently amounts to PLN 5,000. That's why I'm asking you, my dears, for financial support so that I can continue to live and raise my children.
47 093,13 zł from PLN 100,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
15351,24 zł
Reimbursed expenses
31741,89 zł
My history
Collection for:
dietę, leki, badania lekarskie oraz rehabilitację
Updated on 29/10/2024
COVID-19 zabrał mi zdrowie i siły – cztery tygodnie spędziłam w walce o każdy dzień. Dopiero teraz powoli zaczynam jeść, ale nadal jestem bardzo osłabiona i wychudzona. Choć transfuzja i nawadnianie przyniosły mi trochę ulgi, mój organizm wciąż nie odzyskał pełni sił, a każde samodzielne przejście kilku kroków jest ogromnym wysiłkiem.
Po wielu próbach leczenia w szpitalu przyszedł czas na szukanie dalszej, bardziej intensywnej pomocy – zwłaszcza teraz, kiedy powrót do pełni zdrowia wydaje się nieosiągalny bez specjalistycznej opieki. Właśnie dlatego postanowiłam zwrócić się do kliniki rehabilitacyjnej w Świebodzicach, gdzie mam szansę na fachową pomoc. Niestety, koszty leczenia i intensywnej rehabilitacji w tej placówce są wysokie, a moje zasoby już się wyczerpały.
Dlatego proszę o Twoje wsparcie. Każda, nawet najmniejsza wpłata, przybliży mnie do odzyskania zdrowia i sił. Z całego serca dziękuję za wszelką życzliwość, dobre myśli i każdy gest, który dodaje mi nadziei na powrót do pełni życia.
Updated on 10/07/2024
Unfortunately, my situation is getting worse. The last CT scan showed growing metastatic changes on the pleura and new foci of inflammation. I kindly ask you for support, because the costs of supportive treatment are enormous, and it is this that gets me back on my feet. To make matters worse, I recently lost my job. The sickness benefit alone is not enough to cover the costs of daily living, let alone expensive treatment. Thank you for your support so far and I kindly ask for your continued help!
Hello, my name is Sabrina. I am a young mother, raising children alone. I have two daughters, 5 and 15.
On July 7, 2022, I received the diagnosis: Hormone-dependent invasive breast cancer with lymph node metastases. The tumor began to invade the pleura, where fluid accumulated, making it difficult for me to breathe. When I took a deep breath, I felt a sharp and piercing pain. Every few days, I had fluid removed through drainage, approximately 7 liters in total. During the last drainage, pneumothorax occurred, which sent me to hospital as I was very weak. Due to a collapsed lung, it was difficult for me to breathe. I was placed in a pleural drain and connected to a machine to expand my lungs. After three weeks, the lung returned to its original state.
I have currently undergone 6 rounds of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, it did not work effectively because the tumor grew larger. It is not known whether subsequent chemotherapy will work properly and reverse the cancer cells. The solution to choosing chemicals is an expensive chemosensitivity test.
Additionally, I use extensive treatment to support the body and thymus peptide injections.
The treatment is very expensive for me, monthly treatment currently amounts to PLN 5,000. That's why I'm asking you, my dears, for financial support so that I can continue to live and raise my children. Every zloty counts for me, so I am asking each of you for help in financing my treatment. Thank you very much to everyone who will not ignore my request.
I don't give up, I keep working professionally, of course to the best of my abilities. I have support from my family, acquaintances and friends, which gives me great strength to continue fighting, but the most important thing for me are my daughters, whom I love more than life itself and I cannot imagine them being left alone.
I am grateful for every zloty and for sharing the fundraiser on social media!
I love life and my wonderful daughters for whom I want to live!
Bank transfer details:
Sabrina można też wesprzeć by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Sabrina Tybulczuk
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Sabrina Tybulczuk