Rostyslaw Rudnitcky

We believe that with God's care and the help of good people, we will endure and overcome everything! An approximate treatment plan has already been prepared. It will be long-lasting and expensive - EUR 295,000. The situation in Ukraine is extremely difficult, so all hope lies with you. Support our Rostik! Help defeat the disease!

PLN 542.00 from PLN 1,400,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

PLN 542.00

Reimbursed expenses



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My history

Collection for:

treatment not reimbursed


We are an ordinary family from Ukraine. In September 2020, we heard the terrible diagnosis of our younger son Rostislav - neuroblastoma, stage 4. After receiving the first chemotherapy in Khmelnytsky, I went with my son to Barcelona for treatment. Immunotherapy, which is very effective in the treatment of neuroblastoma, is unfortunately not carried out in Ukraine. In Barcelona, our son underwent 2 more cycles of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumor, 2 more cycles of chemotherapy, 20 cycles of radiotherapy and 5 cycles of immunotherapy. After 10 months of treatment and separation from our family, we returned happily to our homeland. After some time, we went to Barcelona for check-ups and everything was fine.

In February 2023, Rostyk underwent another examination and unfortunately it turned out that the cancer had returned. There are no words, eyes do not dry out from tears. We are starting the fight against a terrible disease again. Our wise boy, our little hero must go through this difficult path once again!

We believe that with God's care and the help of good people, we will endure and overcome everything! An approximate treatment plan has already been prepared. It will be long-lasting and expensive - EUR 295,000. This amount is unbearable for most people. Additionally, the situation in Ukraine, which, as you know, is extremely difficult, so all hope lies in you - people with big hearts.
Please, or even beg us - support our Rostik! Help us overcome the disease and enjoy childhood! Remember him in your prayers too!

We hug everyone and thank you for every, even the smallest, support!

Have a good day. Ми звичайна сім'я з України. У вересні 2020 року ми почули страшний діагноз унашого меншого синоч Ростислава: нейробластома, 4 стадія. Отримавши front block
хіміотерапії в Хмельницькому, я з сином поїхала до Барселони на лі kuvannya. Імунотерапію, yaka
є дуже ефективною при лікуванні нейробластоми, не роводять в Укра їні. In Barselona наш
синочок пройшов ще 2 courses хімії, операцію по видаленню пухлини, ще 2 blocks of courses, 20 courses
променевої терапії і 5 courses of immunotherapy. В повній ремісії, щасливі повернулися на Україну,
після 10 місяців лікування і розлуки з сім'єю. Після того їздили на контрольні обстеження до
Barseloni і все було добре. On February 2023 Rostik пройшов чергове обстеження і на жаль рак поверн увся. In кістку стегна


Bank transfer details:

Rostyslaw can also be supported by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Rostyslaw Rudnitcky

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Rostyslaw Rudnitcky

Bank transfer details