Natalia Zaika
I have been fighting for my life for 8 years, not giving up despite the pain, losses and challenges. This fight is still ongoing, but with your help I can have the strength to continue and overcome the adversity.
65.00 PLN from PLN 70,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
65.00 PLN
Reimbursed expenses
My history
Collection for:
medications, supplements, drips, diet and rehabilitation
In 2017 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer. Immediately a mastectomy was performed, the breast and all axillary lymph nodes were removed. Then came endless months of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. My strength slowly ebbed, but I didn't stop fighting - I wanted to live!
In 2018, a tumor was discovered in his lungs, which required the removal of half of his lung. The daily struggle with lack of breath made the treatment a real nightmare. But then I looked at my young son, who was close to me - I knew I had to live for him!
The COVID-19 pandemic has not spared me at all. The course of the disease was very difficult, with numerous complications that weakened my body even more.
In 2020, a new, more aggressive type of cancer was diagnosed in the remaining breast. Previous chemotherapy regimens failed, so an experimental treatment was started. My body could barely stand it – problems with my heart and internal organs appeared. But I didn't give up!
In 2024, war entered our lives. Treatment was interrupted, and I had to save myself and my son. We managed to escape to Poland, but not all of my loved ones did... I lost them forever. It was a time of unimaginable pain and grief.
In this chaos, the disease progressed to its final, fourth stage. Multiple metastases were diagnosed in the bones and lungs. My ribs crack even when I cough. Targeted therapy has been added to chemotherapy and hormone therapy, which gives hope, but the body is exhausted.
I currently need constant support: medication, IVs for all organs, specialist nutrition and rehabilitation. I also need to replace my breast implant and have my gallbladder removed.
Eight years of battling cancer have exhausted me physically, morally and financially. Every day I ask God for strength and I believe that there will be good people who will help me get through this difficult time.
Thank you for every form of support. I believe that good returns. 🙏
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Natalia by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Natalia Zaika
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Natalia Zaika