Monika Konopko

The disease taught me to live consciously. I am grateful for each new day. - Monika Konopko

158,644.20 PLN from PLN 150,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

27651.75 PLN

Reimbursed expenses

130992.45 PLN


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My history

Collection for:

supportive treatment (immune therapy), supplementation


Updated on 26/01/2023

I finished conventional treatment in December 2021, but I have been supporting myself throughout the last year
adjuvant treatment - mainly salinomycin, which acts on cancer stem cells
responsible for metastases, relapses and progression of cancer. This is extremely important in
in the case of my type of cancer, which turned out to be extremely resistant to conventional treatment.
I also regularly perform non-reimbursed tests to determine the number of cancer cells
circulating in the blood - thanks to this I can act appropriately preventively to keep the cancer at bay
in check. All this is possible thanks to the people who supported me last year.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this help!


My name is Monika, I will be 34 soon. I have always been an optimistic person with a positive attitude to life. I drew good energy from meetings with my loved ones and from my favorite activities. I lived a busy life and my days were filled to the brim with tasks. These qualities helped me greatly when I was diagnosed in early 2020 breast cancer. I approached the disease as a challenge - I treated it as a task to be completed. It was also a lesson that made me look at my life, reevaluate certain issues and make changes. Throughout the entire treatment period, I believed that this was just a phase in my life. Although there were worse moments, thanks to the enormous support from family, friends and sometimes even complete strangers, I was able to quickly return to the path of optimism.

I have always been very careful about prevention and regularly performed various types of tests. In July 2019, during a follow-up breast ultrasound, a cyst was detected. The doctor's only recommendation was a check-up in a year. However, the cyst was gradually enlarging, so without waiting another year, I decided to repeat the test and consult the results with another doctor. Even though neither ultrasound nor fine-needle biopsy indicated cancer, the doctor recommended removal of the cyst. The decision to remove it probably turned out to be beneficial for me, because histopathological examination showed that the cyst was developing triple-negative cancer, which is characterized by a very aggressive course. Moreover, a genetic test showed that I have the BRCA1 mutation. Initially, I underestimated the strength of the opponent and a few months after the surgery, a recurrence occurred in the same breast. It turned out to be necessary to take decisive steps. The first one was a mastectomy, then two types of chemotherapy - a total of 8 cycles. Throughout this period, I supported my body with complementary treatment - various types of supplements, vitamins - which helped rebuild immunity and alleviated the side effects of chemotherapy. I have the last step ahead of me: radiotherapy.

Intensive treatment allowed the cancer to be stopped, but at the moment it is extremely important to strengthen the body through non-reimbursed immune therapy, which involves high costs. For the last two years I have been trying to cover the costs from my own funds, but they are starting to exceed my capabilities. I will be extremely grateful for any help that will allow me to regain my full strength.

Talking publicly about my problems is something that I find extremely difficult. However, I hope that by telling our stories we will contribute to increasing social awareness of cancer and encourage people to take preventive measures.


Bank transfer details:

Monika can also be supported by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Monika Konopko

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Monika Konopko

Bank transfer details