Maciej Szymczuk
I WILL LIVE. For myself, for my two little boys, for my wife and family. I believe I will be among those lucky patients who not only survive 5 years after diagnosis, but much longer.
36 523,00 zł from PLN 50,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
34814,47 zł
Reimbursed expenses
1708.53 PLN
My history
Collection for:
further diagnostics, consultations, stoma supplies, rehabilitation and ongoing costs related to treatment and travel
“You have cancer.” It's a sentence that no one wants to hear. A sentence that, although it means something irreversible, raises more questions than it answers. A sentence that brings with it fear, uncertainty and worries - not only about one's own life, but also about the fate of those closest to us.
I heard them at the end of March 2024. I didn't expect it at all. Despite the shock and the huge uncertainty, I knew one thing - I WILL LIVE. Diagnosis – Intestinal cancer tumor, stage IV – initiated a series of tests, consultations and decisions that were to determine the path of my treatment. Due to the advanced stage of the disease, the first stage of therapy was radical radiotherapy, followed by a cycle of 8 chemotherapy. Its aim was to reduce the mass of the tumor to allow its surgical removal. Immunotherapy, unfortunately, was not possible in my case due to the results of genetic tests.
In November, I was qualified for surgery – to remove the tumor and create a stoma. On November 26, eight months after hearing the sentence that changed my life, I found myself on the operating table. I am currently recovering and learning to function in a new reality. I face more challenges – further consultations and decisions by doctors. It is necessary to determine whether the treatment so far has been effective enough. The changes detected in the liver and lungs, the nature of which remains ambiguous, also require verification.
Due to the therapy and surgery I have undergone, as well as my inability to work, I am forced to apply for support. These funds are necessary to finance further diagnostics, necessary consultations, stoma supplies, rehabilitation (necessary due to paresthesia resulting from chemotherapy) and ongoing costs related to treatment and travel.
I WILL LIVE. For myself, for my two little sons, for my wife and family. I want to get back to work, to being active and to my greatest passion – music. I believe that I will be among those happy patients who not only survive 5 years after diagnosis, but much longer. I do everything in my power to make it happen. With your help, it will be much easier for me to achieve this goal.
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Maciej by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Maciej Szymczuk
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Maciej Szymczuk