Krzysztof Rogacki

In December 2022, it turned out that I had multiple myeloma. My fight against the disease began in January. The first news about the cancer knocked me off my feet and caused a breakdown, but the support of my wife and daughter allowed me to look at life differently.

11,430.40 PLN from PLN 100,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

11430.40 PLN

Reimbursed expenses



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My history

Collection for:

medications, supportive treatment, travel to treatment, consultations with specialists


Recover enough to be able to return to work, finish the house that my wife and I built in December 2022, and wait for my daughter to graduate from college.

In December 2022, after a PET scan, it turned out that I had multiple myeloma. My fight against the disease began in January. The first news about the cancer knocked me off my feet and caused me to break down. The support of my wife and daughter allowed me to look at life differently.

Treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy brought positive results, and the possibility of autotransplantation of stem cells gave hope that things would still be fine. After collecting the stem cells, I underwent a transplant on Easter. I continued chemotherapy and take further medications to prolong the effects of treatment. The cancer has attacked my spine and ribs, so I have to undergo surgery to strengthen them to reduce the pain I feel and not be afraid that any slight impact on them may cause further bone fractures. I go for check-ups every month and each visit is stressful whether the test results will be good or whether there will be a recurrence.

In the meantime, we built a house and our daughter went to college. Unfortunately, the money we wanted to spend on finishing the house was used for my treatment, and there is still no end in sight...

My road to recovery is still long and funds are lacking. Therefore, I am asking you for help in continuing treatment. Only thanks to your good hearts, I will be able to achieve this. Thank you for all your support.


Bank transfer details:

You can also support Krzysztof by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Krzysztof Rogacki

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Krzysztof Rogacki

Bank transfer details