Klaudia Ryzińska-Wójcik

The prospect of a relapse still fills me with fear. I will do everything to prevent it. - Klaudia Ryzińska-Wójcik

130,545.04 PLN from PLN 386,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount


Reimbursed expenses

130545.04 PLN


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My history

Collection for:

supportive treatment


Updated on 16.02.2023

Recently my results have worsened and the tumor is gradually getting bigger. I am constantly receiving supportive treatment. I try to take infusions regularly, but unfortunately they are very expensive and sometimes I have to give up a dose for financial reasons. I keep fighting bravely and I tell my son that I will not give up easily.

Unfortunately, the entire treatment process involves huge costs that exceed our financial capabilities, so I still want to ask you for support. I am grateful for any amount donated to my cause. Thank you!


My name is Klaudia, I am 33 years old and I am the mother of 5-year-old Aleksander. At first glance, our family is no different from any other. However, every few months my heart trembles with anxiety about the results of check-ups.

In 2015, after long diagnostics, I was diagnosed with it ovarian cancer. Initially, doctors recommended complete removal of reproductive organs. Fortunately, they managed to perform sparing treatment, thanks to which, after surgery and chemotherapy, we were able to fulfill our great dream - Oluś was born.
Unfortunately, during delivery, it turned out that the changes on my ovaries were returning. I then underwent another surgery to remove them, but the enemy I was struggling with is still inside me. Its complete removal carries a huge risk of metastasis to neighboring organs. I went through all stages of the disease. I have had 3 surgeries and several courses of chemotherapy. I live in constant fear for my health and life. I know that without proper treatment, the disease can return at any time, and my inner enemy can become malicious. I am under constant observation. Every 3 months I have check-ups to notice any signs of recurrence as soon as possible. I live with a ticking bomb inside me, but I want to do everything possible to reduce the risk of the changes reappearing as much as possible. That is why I constantly support my body with appropriate supplementation, infusions and strengthening treatments. I am under the care of good doctors and I trust them, and the test results confirm the effectiveness of the therapy used.
Unfortunately, such regular supportive treatment is a huge cost. 12 months of treatment was estimated at PLN 386,000. Until now, with the support of family and the kindness of friends, regular treatment was possible. Although we both work, we are not able to cover these expenses on our own. That is why my husband and I are asking for support.
I don't want and can't give up. I'm young, I have my whole life ahead of me. I want to see my son grow up. As long as there is hope, I will not give up...

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Klaudia by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Klaudia Ryzińska-Wójcik

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Klaudia Ryzińska-Wójcik

Bank transfer details