Rakiety Oncology Foundation

Rocket at cancer!

Dreams, goals and desires. We all have them. However, for some of us, illness stands in the way of achieving them. Discover the dreams of people like you! Help you beat cancer and get back to everyday life.

100% of donated money goes to those in need!

zdjęcie podopiecznego

Kamil Majewski

Kamil is 15 years old and is struggling with osteosarcoma. He has already undergone a serious operation and faces further challenges - therapy with a non-reimbursable targeted drug and long-term and expensive rehabilitation.

23817,00  With 70000,00 

Date of publication of the collection

Reimbursed expenses

PLN 3,400.00

The minimum amount was PLN Maximum amount is PLN Put a valid number



My history


non-reimbursed treatment, rehabilitation

Aktualizacja z dnia 10.05.2024 r. 

Kilka tygodni temu Kamil zakończył podstawowe leczenie. Ostatnie dni minęły na wielu różnych badaniach, dzięki którym ma zostać ustalona dawka leku celowanego. Ten rodzaj terapii Kamil zacznie już w przyszłym tygodniu i potrwa przez kolejnych 12 miesięcy. Niestety leczenie celowane nie jest refundowane – jedna dawka to ok. 4000-6000 zł, która będzie przyjmowana co miesiąc.  Dodatkowo Kamil cały czas chodzi na rehabilitację. Wszytsko to jest ogromnym wyzwaniem finansowym, dlatego prosimy Was o wsparcie.

Lek celowany da Kamilowi szansę na powrót do jego ukochanej aktyności fizycznej, której już bardzo nie może się doczekać. Teraz posłusznie odpowiada na wszelkie zalecenia lekarzy, żeby za rok wrócić do sprawności. Wesprzyjcie dzielnego wojownika w jego drodze po zdrowie!

Updated on December 4, 2023.

Kamil has already undergone serious surgery. He receives post-operative chemotherapy, is under the watchful observation of doctors and begins rehabilitation under their supervision. Unfortunately, the last histopathological result is not entirely satisfactory because it shows 71% dead cancer cells. For this reason, doctors decided to implement treatment non-reimbursed targeted drug, whose cost ranges from PLN 8,000 to PLN 15,000 for one dose. This treatment will last 12 months - it is scheduled to start in March 2024, because that is when the current chemotherapy process ends.

In addition, Kamil faces a long and intensive rehabilitation process. The huge costs of unreimbursed treatment and rehabilitation are impossible to cover for Kamil's family. We believe that by joint efforts we will be able to collect the necessary funds, which is why we are asking for support now.

We thank you for your donations so far, but at the same time we still ask for your involvement, because the goal is still far away. Thanks to your help, it will be possible to implement non-reimbursed treatment that is necessary for Kamil to recover.

Kamil already dreams of returning to his former activities. The prospect of being able to exercise again gives him strength and willingness to fight for his health. Let's help him with it!


Kamil is 15 years old. As his parents say about him - until recently he was everywhere, he always loved all physical activities, and the gym became his second home.

In May this year, Kamil fell while riding a bike. After the accident, he complained of leg pain. With each passing day, the pain intensified to such an extent that Kamil could not sleep at night. Parents began to seek help from primary care physicians. They were referred to an orthopedist. In June, an X-ray was performed, after which the first suspicion of a tumor was made. While on duty, Kamil and his parents found an oncologist who referred them to a CT scan. The suspicions were confirmed, so Kamil ended up at the Institute of Mother and Child, where a biopsy was performed. Unfortunately, the first test was unsuccessful due to too little material collected. The test was repeated on August 3. After just a few days, the family received the result: osteosarcoma (osteosarcoma). After a series of tests, Kamil was qualified for chemotherapy.

Detailed examination also raised suspicions of involvement of the lymph nodes in the right knee and minor changes in the lung. However, first of all, the doctors will deal with the change in the leg bone, which is the greatest threat to Kamil's health at the moment.

Kamil has now completed the first cycle of chemotherapy. He started the next one, and after completing this stage of treatment, he will undergo surgery. Most likely, approximately 30 cm of bone will be cut out, so the use of an endoprosthesis will be necessary.

The next challenge for Kamil and his family will be months of intensive and expensive rehabilitation. It is necessary for Kamil to exercise several times a week to regain his fitness and previous activity. Unfortunately, these costs exceed the family's financial capabilities. The rehabilitation itself will cost approximately PLN 5,000 per month. There are additional costs of medicines, diet and medical equipment related to the disease.

Currently, Kamil is on crutches and must be very careful about possible injuries and infections in order to receive subsequent doses of chemotherapy on time and to ensure that the surgery can be performed quickly enough.

Sport is Kamil's life. He goes to the gym whenever he can, just to look at the equipment and meet familiar faces. The prospect of getting back to fitness motivates him to recover.

Let's help Kamil get back to his old everyday life!



You can also support Kamil by bank transfer:

Foundation account number: 52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367

EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375

GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359


Transfer title: Kamil Majewski

Recipient's details: Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific goal: Kamil Majewski

Bank transfer details

You can also support the person under your care by making a payment to the account

You can also support the foundation with a payment to the account

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code: INGBPLPW
Transfer title: Kamil Majewski
The recipient's details: Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety,
al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific Goal:

Kamil Majewski

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:
Transfer title:
Kamil Majewski
The recipient's details:
Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety,
al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific Goal:

Kamil Majewski