Justyna Hołocińska

I suffer from a rare cancer Minen consisting of two components: adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma. It is very difficult to find an effective treatment, so I need funds to try therapy options also abroad. With the lovely people I have by my side, I am not afraid of this challenge. They give me strength.

12 380,00 zł from PLN 150,000.00


Date of publication of the collection


It remained on the subaccount

12380,00 zł

Reimbursed expenses



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My history

Collection for:

consultations in foreign clinics, supportive treatment, rehabilitation


I am an energetic, smiling, active person, I love sports, nature and water. My life has always been dynamic and my work stressful, but I thought I could find balance in it. Every free moment I had, I escaped from the city to relax in nature.

I have a wonderful son who is loving, empathetic and supports me very much. In addition to his support, I also have three wonderful step-children and the most wonderful partner who takes care of me so much that tears of emotion stick in my throat. My caring parents, despite my old age, encourage me and motivate me to fight. In the struggle with the disease, I walk hand in hand with my older sister, a doctor, my good spirit, without whom I don't know how I could cope. At least half of my successes are my loved ones by my side. I'm not afraid of all of them. They give me strength.

I suffer from a rare cancer MiNEN (mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine neoplasm) consisting of two components: adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma.

However, before I determined what type of cancer I was dealing with and what treatment would be most effective, I had a long journey.

It all started in late August 2022 when I had a single episode of abdominal pain. A week after the abdominal ultrasound, bilateral ovarian tumors were detected. After an MRI examination to more precisely assess the extent of the disease, I had a laparotomy procedure performed. Histopathological examination showed the result: poorly differentiated gastric adenoma.

In October 2022, I was referred for treatment - I received 12 courses of Folfox chemotherapy. A CT scan performed in the meantime after 6 courses (January 2023) was normal. I finished chemotherapy at the beginning of April 2023. I endured it bravely, struggling with increasing peripheral neuropathy at the end. The next CT result in June 2023 was normal, which gave me hope that maybe I had dealt with my strange and unidentified disease. I underwent a number of genetic and biochemical tests to determine the source of the cancer, but they did not clearly determine its origin.

Unfortunately, in the fall of 2023, despite my well-being, the disease recurred and with it further consultations with various specialists. One of the doctors recommended me a histopathologist from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw. The professor had no doubt that it was not adenocarcinoma of the stomach, but MINEN cancer with a dominant intestinal component, with the neuroendocrine part being a minority.

At the beginning of February 2024, I underwent laparotomy surgery again. The aim of the operation was to unblock a section of the intestine and possibly remove diseased tissues in order to search for and eliminate the source of the disease. However, it turned out that the spread of the disease was so extensive that the plan could not be implemented, and the only result of the operation was the creation of an ileostomy.

At the moment I feel tired, I'm learning to live with the 2.5 meter long intestine left. During the entire treatment process, I lost 15 kg, which, considering my original weight, brought me to the brink of malnutrition - I currently weigh 45 kg.

Additionally, 2 weeks after the surgery, in accordance with the recommendations of the oncologists consulting me, I started systemic chemotherapy - the same as before - Folfox. This time it's not so easy for me. I have already completed 7 courses, and each administration is a struggle, because in addition to nausea, fatigue and weakness, I also struggle with cardiotoxicity and dehydration caused by the stoma.

All the doctors who consulted me say that I will have to undergo such treatment for the rest of my life and that I cannot count on a full recovery. I have a different opinion on this :) and they simply don't know me yet. I'm fighting and I won't give up so easily!

I am looking for innovative treatment options both in Poland and abroad. There are no programs available in Poland for people suffering from such a rare type of cancer. But I have had many consultations and I plan to undergo genetic tests to determine what therapy would be most effective for me. This is the goal for which I would like to raise funds. Moreover, any consultations with foreign centers are also a huge expense. In addition, I am still treating peripheral neuropathy, rehabilitating after another extensive surgery and fighting malnutrition, which also consumes a large part of the resources I currently have.

I am asking you for financial support in my journey to health!

Bank transfer details:

You can also support Justyna by bank transfer:

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies


PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367


PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375


PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:


Transfer title:

Justyna Hołocińska

The recipient's details:

Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


National Court Register:


Specific goal:

Justyna Hołocińska

Bank transfer details