Justyna Daniluk
Five years ago I got breast cancer. As a result of a faulty implant, I also developed skin cancer. The treatment is very expensive, but I want to fight for my health. I want my children to have a mother so much.
33 512,90 zł from PLN 100,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
7746,15 zł
Reimbursed expenses
25766,75 zł
My history
Collection for:
supportive treatment, diet, supplements, visits to specialists
Updated on 22.05.2024
The impossible has become possible - I am alive.
My treatment is showing results. What was a sentence is changing my life again. I still have surgery, rehabilitation and further treatment ahead of me to maintain the results so far.
Unfortunately, I am running out of funds to continue treatment. Supportive treatment is very expensive and not reimbursed. It is a nightmare for every sick person. We see how much support helps, and the financial situation does not allow for continuation...
That's why I thank you for being there, for helping, for sharing. It's thanks to you that each of us has a chance at life.
My name is Justyna and I am 40 years old. For the second time I am asking God to let me live. Earlier, I prayed at the bedside of my four-year-old son that cancer would not take him away from me so quickly. Now I pray for myself.
Five years ago I found out I had it breast cancer. Thanks to the support of my relatives and doctors, I recovered. I thought this was the end of this difficult road. Unfortunately, the cancer returned with a vengeance and with numerous metastases. I am once again starting the physically and mentally exhausting treatment.
When I first got cancer, my right breast was removed. However, a faulty implant was used for the reconstruction. Apart from the fact that the aesthetic effect was not good from the beginning, more and more ailments appeared, which led to extensive ulceration and skin cancer. Detailed examinations revealed the presence of a malignant tumor with metastases to the lymph nodes and bones. Chemotherapy is necessary, followed by restorative treatment after invasive treatment. After each chemotherapy I am physically and mentally exhausted. The most difficult thing for me is that my children are indirectly involved in this entire process.
Supportive therapy turned out to be very helpful in the treatment. It allows me to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and maintain good test results so I can continue treatment. I had to start it as soon as possible and continue it continuously, which requires large financial outlays in the following months and years.
Monthly expenses for treatment, specialist consultations, medicines, supplements and commuting to Warsaw are around PLN 15,000. All the fees are beyond our household budget, but at the same time they are necessary to make my dream come true - recovery. I want my children to have a mother so much.
I believe I can do it, but I need help. I am asking for financial support in this difficult situation. Every, even the smallest, contribution helps me regain my desired health. Every day spent with my loving family counts for me. I want to stop the uncertainty that accompanies my everyday life - if I fall asleep, will I wake up again?
I want to live for myself, my husband and two wonderful sons. I want to see them grow up and become men. I want to share happy moments with them and be able to comfort them when they feel sad.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every donation.
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Justyna by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Justyna Daniluk
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Justyna Daniluk