Beata Mrozowska
For years I have been fighting recurrent brain tumors and their health consequences. I dream of staying as fit as possible despite everything.
1,411.50 PLN from PLN 50,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
406.50 PLN
Reimbursed expenses
1005.00 PLN
My history
Collection for:
dietary supplements, medicines, rehabilitation, travel to doctors
Updated on 28.11.2024
I have had five head surgeries for brain tumors that keep coming back. Unfortunately, after the last surgery I was left with spastic paralysis of the right side of my body, which prevents me from functioning independently. In addition, the cancerous tumors have grown back for the sixth time and are growing at a very fast pace. This time oncological treatment is necessary, which unfortunately is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund.
As part of the treatment, I need to undergo a PET magnetic resonance imaging, which requires me to lie still for over 60 minutes. Unfortunately, due to severe spasticity, I had to postpone the first examination date. In order to carry it out, I first need to eliminate the spasticity, which requires the use of botulinum toxin. Unfortunately, this procedure is also not reimbursed by the National Health Fund, and its cost is unaffordable for me. No other forms of treatment, including rehabilitation, bring the expected results.
Today I can't walk or do basic activities because spastic paralysis of my right hand has deprived me of the ability to be independent. It's a huge blow. My life is in ruins and hope is starting to fade.
But I want to fight. I very much want to live and regain at least some independence. That is why I am asking for financial support to cover the costs of non-refundable botulinum toxin treatment and further rehabilitation. With your help, I can take a step towards fitness and begin oncological treatment, which is necessary to stop the progression of the disease.
Every złoty, every help means a lot to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every form of support. Together we can give me a chance for a better life.
Updated on 03/04/2024
I have already had brain tumor surgery. My head is shaved again. Due to my cancer disease, I have spastic paresis of the entire right side (right arm and right leg). I am currently in the hospital in the rehabilitation ward due to peripheral nerve damage, but I only have 1.5 hours a day of classes, which is not enough for my ailments. I need help. A 30-day rehabilitation stay in a private center costs approx. PLN 16,500.
I need rehabilitation with an individual approach and using appropriate devices to treat spasticity. Home rehabilitation does not bring results, because for this type of difficulties it is necessary to use appropriate equipment and systematically. Unfortunately, for the rehabilitation to take place under the National Health Fund, I would have to wait a very long time, which will be to the detriment of my health and the difficulties will deepen.
Currently, I am a disabled person who uses a wheelchair. Rehabilitation aims to restore the patient's abilities, such as coordination and improvement of mobility. I really want to take advantage of modern robotic rehabilitation sessions. At the Rehabilitation Center, patients are provided with special care. This is a place where experienced staff of physiotherapists and technologically advanced robots join forces for effective rehabilitation and bring results.
Please help me get back to fitness!
My name is Beata. I have been struggling with cancer for 23 years. When I was 28, I was diagnosed with it brain tumor. The symptoms I experienced were a huge headache, morning sickness, vomiting and increasing weakness. I then underwent my first surgery to remove the tumor. My head was then shaved.
After eight years, the cancer came back - this time there were two tumors. I underwent a second surgery. My head was shaved. I had to undergo rehabilitation. It was 2008.
In 2021, it turned out for the third time that the cancer had attacked again. Three huge tumors appeared in my head and an additional one in my neck, near the spinal cord. The tumor pressed so hard that my brain swelled and I became paralyzed, bordering on paralysis. In the hospital, doctors administered steroids intravenously to me for 10 days. I underwent two surgeries in the same year, three months apart. My head was shaved. The paresis was so severe again that I couldn't walk for 3 months and needed 2 years of rehabilitation.
The year is 2023 and the tumors are once again showing up again. This time there are 3 of them. After thorough tests, I was diagnosed with the NPL process (uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells). Currently, I have right-sided paresis and speech disorders again, which are side effects of the surgery. To make matters worse, I suffer from post-operative epilepsy, which I also treat. However, epilepsy can attack in various circumstances, so it cannot be controlled.
In this situation, I want to undertake additional treatment, which is radiotherapy. I believe that irradiating cancer cells will stop them from multiplying. I am facing further expenses that I cannot afford - travel to doctors, dietary supplements, medicines and rehabilitation. I am a single mother and my only income is a pension. I have a certificate of total incapacity for work.
I will be grateful for any help.
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Beata by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Beata Mrozowska
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Beata Mrozowska