Barbara Kapica
I need non-reimbursable treatment to stop the development of glioma cancer cells. I will have to continue the therapy for the rest of my life. - Barbara Kapica
99,838.40 PLN from PLN 250,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
12063.75 PLN
Reimbursed expenses
87774.65 PLN
My history
Collection for:
specialist consultations, medications, rehabilitation, check-ups
Updated on October 25, 2021
Basia's situation has not changed much, she is under constant medical care. The planned additional drug has not yet been introduced due to poor blood tests and cardiac problems. She continues supportive treatment and uses a specialized diet that helps alleviate her symptoms. Unfortunately, the expenses are still high, so support for the collection is very much needed.
Hello, my name is Barbara, I will turn 30 this year and I am struggling with a brain tumor - glioma. My disease started in 2010. Then I started German studies at the University, which unfortunately I had to interrupt. I had to exchange my academic life for a hospital and visits to many specialist doctors. The first surgery to remove the tumor took place in June 2012. After the surgery, right-sided paresis occurred, which reversed after intensive rehabilitation.
In the following years, I took up bachelor's studies in Spanish, got married, and started master's studies. Everything started to fall into place, I was happy.
The memory of the disease returned only during follow-up magnetic resonance imaging and a visit to the attending physician.
At the end of February 2019 I had another check-up MRI, but unfortunately the results of this examination meant that our world and dreams were ruined.
The MRI result clearly showed the recurrence of the glioma after 7 years. Despair, grief and devastation are hard to describe. After visiting the attending physician, I was referred to hospital for surgery.
I underwent another surgery to remove the tumor in March 2019. after which the side effect was long-lasting, deep right-sided paresis and epilepsy. The doctors didn't believe that my arm and leg would recover. However, I believed that I would start moving my arm and walking again. After a long rehabilitation, during a follow-up visit, the medical staff could not believe that I could move my arm and walk on my own.
Then I underwent proton radiotherapy in Bronowice and chemotherapy - PCV regimen.
Unfortunately, after chemotherapy and numerous epileptic seizures, the partial paresis worsened. Also after chemotherapy, my blood results dropped significantly and my bone marrow was severely damaged.
Which is why appropriate treatment is necessary, which unfortunately is not reimbursed by the National Health Fund.
This treatment is aimed at stopping the development of glioma cancer cells, which my doctor recommended. I will have to continue this therapy for the rest of my life.
The current cost of my treatment is approximately PLN 7,000.00 per month, which will increase in the following months as I am to be introduced to another drug.
I never thought I would be in such a situation where I would have to ask others for help, but I am asking for your support. This will allow me to fight the disease and I believe that my health will improve and then I will also be able to help someone.
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Barbara by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Barbara Kapica
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Barbara Kapica