Barbara Jarosz
I will fight because I love my family and I want to build a foundation for a happy future for us. - Barbara Jarosz
75,240.00 PLN from PLN 100,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
35.15 PLN
Reimbursed expenses
75204.85 PLN
My history
Collection for:
supportive treatment, supplements, commuting
Updated on August 1, 2024
However, to prevent metastases and maintain the current condition, it is advisable to take the drug every 3 weeks for about a year. This medicine is not reimbursed.
It is important that I do not interrupt therapy. I have already achieved so much thanks to your help.
Please support me in the marathon for my health! There is still so much to do in this world.
Updated on 23/01/2024
In March 2023, I completed chemotherapy treatment. Currently, I put a lot of work and energy into bringing my body into balance. To maintain the current condition, I support myself on many levels, from consultations, often private, diet, supplementation to rehabilitation. All this to strengthen my body. I am undergoing supportive treatment, which is not reimbursed. This involves costs that exceed our financial capabilities. It is also very important for me to monitor my body through non-reimbursed and expensive tests, which allow me to control cancer cells in the blood and, if necessary, take appropriate action quickly. Despite such an exhausting treatment process, I returned to work and it gives me a sense of satisfaction, normality and being needed, in other words, it helps in my recovery!
I am extremely grateful for your help so far and I am asking you to support me with 1.5% of tax, which will help me implement my recovery plan.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Updated on 20/01/2023
Currently, I have undergone chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiotherapy and LVA hand surgery (to save my hand from swelling after the removal of lymph nodes). The hand surgery was very expensive, but it gave me a chance to regain full functionality of the hand, which is why it was so important to me.
I have been on chemotherapy tablets for several months, which I unfortunately cannot tolerate because my body is already weakened after the intensive treatment.
Today I am very grateful to be here, to be alive, and to have come this far. I am grateful for so many wonderful people I meet along the way, who often help without knowing me at all.
At the moment I cannot return to work yet, but I would like to do so and I believe that this will happen soon. However, the still high costs of treatment, frequent trips to the Institute, medicines, supplements, rehabilitation, diet - all this makes me ask you for support on my path to health.
I and my family are grateful for any help.
I never expected that the disease could be so insidious. Until 2021, I lived, enjoying the life I was building - when fate seems to be favorable to your plans, it is hard to accept the thought that anything could affect this carefreeness and family happiness. In October last year, during routine tests, I found out that I suffer from... malignant breast cancer with metastasis to the armpit.
This was not how I imagined the end of the check-ups, I did not expect that when I returned home I would struggle with the thoughts that accompanied me at that moment. Armed with the will to fight and love for my loved ones, I decided that I had to act. I started treatment in Gliwice - the first step was chemotherapy. I have now completed the red chemistry course and am in the middle of the white chemistry course - I am constantly dealing with side effects that can be difficult to bear. Fatigue, pain and weakness are integral parts of my treatment. I am able to struggle with them because I believe that the steps I take will lead me to victory over the disease.
I still have a long road ahead of me, full of new, equally burdensome challenges. At the moment I know that I will have to undergo radiotherapy, a series of several surgeries and rehabilitation. Of all the surgeries I have to undergo, removal of the diseased breast and lymph nodes is the only procedure subject to reimbursement. The next steps, although so important in the recovery process, must be financed from my own funds. The price I have to pay to effectively fight the disease is absurd. Diet, supplements, medicines and commuting from Opole to Gliwice generate costs that are beyond our means - especially now when the treatment interferes with my professional activity.
I am at a very important point in my life, I have been happily married for 8 years, and I have been a fulfilling mother for 5 years.. This is the time when I should participate in my daughter's growth, teach her and prepare her for the next stages of life, and help her acquire knowledge. It's too young an age to deal with the topic of my illness - above all, it's too young an age to be afraid for my mother's health. I cannot allow this disease to continue to poison our lives and destroy everything we have worked hard for. Looking at the faces of my loved ones, I know that I am not fighting only for myself - this thought helps me survive and find strength in moments when I especially need it. I will fight because I love my family and I want to build a foundation for a happy future for us.
I believe that with your support, my fight will be even more effective.
Bank transfer details:
You can also support Barbara by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Barbara Jarosz
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Barbara Jarosz