Agnieszka Harasimiuk
Despite my health problems, I am a cheerful person and I try to smile a lot. I believe in a better tomorrow. I want to spend the funds I collect mainly on travel to the hospital as well as consultations and specialist tests.
6 267,00 zł from PLN 60,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
4697,26 zł
Reimbursed expenses
1569,74 zł
My history
Collection for:
dojazdy do szpitala, rehabilitacja
Aktualizacja z dnia 20.01.2024
Obecnie choroba jest w stanie stabilizacji, a moim priorytetem jest skupienie się na rehabilitacji. Korzystam z intensywnego leczenia (ambecykib, X-Geva), jednak wciąż odczuwam silny ból kręgosłupa po radioterapii. Pracuję na pół etatu, co pozwala mi częściowo pokryć codzienne wydatki, ale koszty leczenia są bardzo wysokie.
Zebrane środki chciałabym przeznaczyć na rehabilitację oraz dojazdy do szpitala, który znajduje się 100 km od mojego miejsca zamieszkania (w obie strony).
Z całego serca proszę o wsparcie – każda, nawet najmniejsza wpłata, ma dla mnie ogromne znaczenie.
Dbajcie o swoje zdrowie i pamiętajcie o regularnych badaniach.
My name is Agnieszka and I will be 33 years old in August. I have always led an active lifestyle and I still want to do so. Three years ago, I discovered a change in my breast myself. It bothered me. I observed the change and noticed that it was slightly but steadily increasing. I was working seasonally in the Netherlands at the time, so I decided to come to Poland and do a breast ultrasound. It was December. I called the clinic and tried to make an appointment as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it turned out that there was no deadline. I spent Christmas with my family, but in the back of my mind I had this thought - What is it? Is it cancer? Should I be worried or not? The thought slowly dawned on me that I might have cancer. But me? At that age?
I waited 5 weeks for a breast ultrasound. Unfortunately, the truth turned out to be cruel. The doctor confirmed my suspicions and ordered a biopsy. During the first examination, unfortunately, the doctor took too little material, so the examination showed nothing. I felt that change was unfolding during this time. I was already thinking about the worst. I called the clinic and made an appointment for another biopsy. My gut feeling wasn't wrong. At the end of June 2021, I received a call in the evening from the doctor who was performing the examination. I heard that I have it breast cancer and I will have to undergo chemotherapy. It was the worst day of my life.
I started treatment. All plans and dreams went aside. I faced a very strong opponent. I believed and was optimistic. The chemistry worked. After the red series of infusions there was remission. I was happy. Then I took 12 doses of white chemicals, which I tolerated worse. Skin problems and allergies started. In addition, sleep problems. Towards the end of this series I was going through Covid which made my insomnia worse. Before the end of the year, I underwent genetic testing. I waited over a month for the results. They clearly showed mutations in the brca2 and chek2 genes. This meant I had to undergo a mastectomy. After consultations with an oncological surgeon, I decided to undergo a subcutaneous mastectomy with two-stage breast reconstruction. The surgery took place on March 24, 2022. Everything went well.
Unfortunately, not so long ago I found out about a recurrence in my bones. There was a large meta change in the vertebrae which led to a vertebral fracture. For this reason, I had to undergo surgery to insert an implant into the cervical spine and undergo stabilization. Then I was recommended spine irradiation. Moreover, I will have to undergo irradiation of the hip bone, because the PET scan also showed a change there. In addition, I am undergoing hormone therapy.
Treatment involves huge costs. The facility I chose is located over 100 km from my place of residence. I want to spend the funds I collect mainly on travel to the hospital as well as consultations and specialist tests. I also undergo rehabilitation all the time.
Despite my health problems, I am a cheerful person and I try to smile a lot. I believe in a better tomorrow. I am making a huge request to people with big hearts to donate to my subaccount. I will be extremely grateful to you!
Bank transfer details:
Agnieszka can also be supported by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Agnieszka Harasimiuk
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Agnieszka Harasimiuk