Agnieszka Rudnicka
I have someone to live for – I am needed by my teenage daughter, who bravely supports me. However, I cannot demand care from a 13-year-old! I am her mother and I should provide her with care, safety and a roof over her head.
750.00 PLN from 2,000,000.00 PLN
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
750.00 PLN
Reimbursed expenses
My history
Collection for:
unreimbursed further diagnostics and immunotherapy in Israel
My name is Agnieszka, I am 44 years old. I am a single mother of a 13-year-old daughter. We supported ourselves with my sole proprietorship. Unfortunately, my life changed drastically in early June 2023, when I first experienced severe attacks of bone pain that completely excluded me from professional work.
On June 8, 2023, bone pain turned out to be unbearable - 10/10 on the VAS scale. I spent the night of June 8-9 and several subsequent nights in the ER under morphine drips or a pump. I received a referral to the orthopedic ward, without indicating a specific hospital, and an instruction that I should go to a "higher reference hospital that has imaging diagnostics for bone diseases". I also received a long prescription for strong opioid painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, which were supposed to prevent further stays in the ER.
On June 13, I was admitted to the Department of Trauma, Orthopedics and Cancer of the Musculoskeletal System at the hospital in Łódź, where only a bone biopsy was performed and I was discharged with a recommendation to monitor the healing of the postoperative wound.
After leaving hospital I went to several private doctors for consultations to get further advice on treatment. All I was told was that I was a very rare and complicated case and would be better off seeking specialist help elsewhere. However, no one could tell me where I could get such help.
Thanks to the intervention of the Patient Rights Advocate, I received a referral to the Orthopedic Hospital in Otwock. However, I had to wait until March 11, 2024 to be admitted to the ward.
It was not until March 21, 2024, at the Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, that the diagnosis was made for the first time: D48.0 – Neoplasms of uncertain or unknown nature of other and unspecified site – bones and articular cartilage. I was referred for a bone scan, which showed extensive neoplastic changes in the bone structure of the pelvis, spine and ribs.
The epicrisis and nature of my disease are still unknown. I am under the care of the Orthopedic Hospital in Otwock, where the development and course of the disease are monitored. Unfortunately, this is where reimbursed diagnosis and treatment in Poland ends.
Bone tumors are difficult to treat, especially those leading to extensive and multifocal changes in the bone structure with unknown epicrisis and very rare incidence. In such a situation, genetic tests are necessary to determine the type of cancer and prepare targeted immunotherapy. Due to the extensiveness of the neoplastic changes, I was not qualified for chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
I have someone to live for – I am needed by my teenage daughter, who bravely helped me during pain attacks, supported me, packed the necessary things for the ambulance and assisted the paramedics. However, I can't expect a 13-year-old to care for me! I'm her mother and I should provide her with care, safety and a roof over her head.
I would also like to complete my professional and personal goals. I started building a house with my own savings. I managed to pour only the foundation. The rest of the funds intended for the construction of the house were consumed by treatment, painkillers, zoledronic acid infusions, supplements, travel costs and orthopedic equipment. I also need rehabilitation to prevent and relieve painful muscle spasms.
I have a tough fight ahead of me with an unequal opponent, but with your help I can defeat him! I have to get back on my feet for my daughter! The sooner the treatment is implemented, the less damage the disease will cause to my body.
For all support related to the continuation of my treatment – further medical consultations, hospital visits, medications, supplements, rehabilitation, and above all the molecular profile diagnosis and targeted immunotherapy performed in Israel – THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
Bank transfer details:
Agnieszka can also be supported by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Agnieszka Rudnicka
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Agnieszka Rudnicka