Andrzej and Dorota Zdziarski
After a very difficult childhood, fate once again turned out to be cruel for my son - he received a diagnosis Hodgkin's lymphoma. We need financial help to save his life.
21 332,60 zł from PLN 50,000.00
Date of publication of the collection
It remained on the subaccount
1265,60 zł
Reimbursed expenses
20067,00 zł
My history
Collection for:
commuting, medicines, consultations with specialists, healthy food
Aktualizacja z dnia 05.09.2024
Niestety, dotychczasowe leczenie nie przyniosło efektów. Zakwalifikowano mnie do terapii biologicznej, co było dużym wyzwaniem, ale ostatecznie udało mi się dołączyć do programu. Lekarze z Wojskowego Instytutu Medycznego wykazali ogromne zaangażowanie, aby ratować moje życie. W poniedziałek otrzymałam lek biologiczny, w którym pokładam wielką nadzieję.
Każdy dzień przynosi jednak nowe koszty. Okazało się, że potrzebuję koncentratora tlenu w domu oraz przenośnego urządzenia, które umożliwi mi wychodzenie na zewnątrz. Żyję tylko z renty i nie wiem, jak poradzić sobie z tym wszystkim.
Dziękuję z całego serca za dotychczasowe wsparcie. Każda wpłata daje mi nadzieję i siłę do dalszej walki. Proszę, pomóżcie mi dalej – każda, nawet najmniejsza pomoc, przybliża mnie i mojego ukochanego syna do lepszego jutra.
Updated on 13/06/2024
Andrzejek's disease is in remission. He suffered a lot. Inspections are scheduled every 3 months for 5 years. We also have visits to specialists - cardiologist, endocrinologist, allergist and many others, and with them consultation fees and drug costs. We must be vigilant to ensure that cancer treatment has not damaged other organs.
Niestety to, co jest źródłem stresu dla mojego syna w obecnej chwili, to mój pogarszający się stan zdrowia. Zdiagnozowano u mnie kolejną chorobę - ziarniniak Wegenera. Jest to rzadka choroba atakująca mój układ oddechowy (zajęła już płuca). Choroba z czasem niszczy nerki, zmysł wzroku oraz układ nerwowy. W ziarniniakowatości Wegenera celem leczenia jest uzyskanie i podtrzymywanie remisji. Obecnie przyjmuję duże dawki sterydów, silne leki immunosupresyjne oraz kolejną chemioterapię. Niestety są częste nawroty. Samo zaś leczenie jest trudne i długotrwałe, a jego sukces niepewny.
Thank you for your support so far, which has helped us a lot. We still need help to cover the costs of our treatment. We will be grateful for any donation.
My name is Dorota. The history of my family is long and filled with suffering for both me and my loved ones.
In 2013, I was diagnosed with cancer - Hodgkin's disease. I started heavy chemotherapy and radiotherapy. My beloved son was 9 years old then. He was forced to face the fact that his mother looked different and did not have the strength to play together. A few years later, my husband died, which had an additional impact on my child. Unfortunately, my husband treated us very badly, we often had to run away from home with our son, so all these years were really difficult for us. During my illness, I focused solely on protecting my child.
After months full of fear and sadness, the first good news appeared - my disease was in remission. I was convinced that this was the beginning of a new, better chapter in our lives. Even though I regained physical health, I soon became depressed. I take medications. I also suffer from neuropathy, tachycardia, and severe kyphosis. I'm on a pension.
My son Andrzej has been under enormous stress for a long time - my illness, alcoholism and the death of my husband caused him to struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. He takes medications and has many difficulties. After a very traumatic childhood, fate turned out to be even more cruel for him - he recently received a diagnosis Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Our world has stopped again. Andrzej underwent very severe chemotherapy and proton radiotherapy in Krakow. The costs of treatment and stay in a foreign city exceed our financial capabilities. During his alcoholism, my husband incurred many debts, which we are now burdened with.
My son is a wonderful, smart boy. We are very afraid of the future. I dream that Andrzej will recover and fate will finally smile on us...
We will be very grateful for your help,
Bank transfer details:
Andrzej i Dorota można też wesprzeć by bank transfer:
Foundation account number:
52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252
Deposits in foreign currencies
PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359
swift code:
Transfer title:
Andrzej Zdziarski
The recipient's details:
Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw
National Court Register:
Specific goal:
Andrzej Zdziarski