Rakiety Oncology Foundation

Rocket at cancer!

Dreams, goals and desires. We all have them. However, for some of us, illness stands in the way of achieving them. Discover the dreams of people like you! Help you beat cancer and get back to everyday life.

100% of donated money goes to those in need!

zdjęcie podopiecznego

Małgorzata Strawińska

My cheerful attitude and openness to searching for the best solutions in treatment help me persevere in many difficult moments.

493759,60  With 500000,00 

Date of publication of the collection


Reimbursed expenses

PLN 210,874.00

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My history

Małgorzata Strawińska


non-reimbursed treatment, consultations abroad, rehabilitation, medical visits, medications, supplements

Updated on March 18, 2024.

When it comes to treatment, I did not stop at consultations in the USA. I decided to continue consultations, this time with hospitals in Israel, and I am waiting for the response from the hospital in Sweden.

In the last two days, I have had consultations and inquiries with outstanding specialists from Poland. These doctors support the position of the US hospital and the need to organize immunotherapy.

Professors recommend drug Cemiplimab, one dose of which costs 8,000 EURO, i.e. approx. PLN 35,000, and this medicine should be taken every 3 weeks. Within a year, I should take 16 of them. Pembrolizumab will remain as an alternative in treatment. If I take Cemiplimab, the amount is much higher than with Pembrolizumab.

When it comes to my current health condition, unfortunately my fears have been confirmed. A CT scan on March 1, 2024 showed that the lesions in the lymph nodes - inguinal and external iliac nodes - were metastatic. Their symptoms deepen the dysfunction of the leg - lymphedema, problems with walking and moving the leg. It is also associated with severe pain that persists 24 hours a day, which is a source of suffering for me, not only physical, but also mental.

To make matters worse, there is also a metastasis to the spine - TH12 vertebra. We will try to act here through radiotherapy, which I will start in a few days.

Unfortunately, new lesions were also found in the lungs, many uncountable small nodules. I privately rented a medical hydrogen generator to fight free radicals and heal my lungs from post-inflammatory disease. The cost is PLN 1,400/month. The infiltration of the bronchi has also increased (which results in recurring, constant infections that weaken me) and the infiltration of the rib, which causes further destruction and may result in fracture, which I feel as pain in every position.

On March 12, 2024, I had a blood transfusion again because my body is still very weakened by the previously administered treatment and is now suffering the consequences - loss of strength, persistent anemia, problems with very low hemoglobin and immunity. I want to change this, so every day costs me a lot of effort and effort.

To sum up, I am at a new stage of consultations in hospitals in the USA, Sweden and Israel. Time is running out! After radiotherapy to the TH12 circle (5 fractions), I will regenerate with drips and intensive strengthening treatments to receive the first dose of immunotherapy as soon as possible, my last resort!

I need your publicity and financial support. The knowledge from the consultation soothes some of my stress - I will turn it into action, thanks to your donations!

Update of March 7, 2024:

Thank you for being here.

I have a consultation in the USA. The chemotherapy doesn't work and more metastases appear.

I'm not giving up.

The next step in this situation is advanced genetic testing in a foreign clinic and urgent admission of the drug Pembrolizumab. The costs are enormous. The consultation itself costs EUR 8,000 - almost PLN 35,000. One dose of the drug costs PLN 16,000. Over the course of a year, I should receive 18 of them.

Thanks to the collection and support I receive from you, my further treatment is possible.


Update of 08/02/2024:

Hello! My name is Małgorzata Strawińska, I am 37 years old, and for 4 years I have been trying to do everything to recover from malignant cervical cancer. This fight is very unequal and cruel in its consequences, but I still do not give up and by undertaking further consultations and attempts at treatment, I am trying to come out on top.

Since my diagnosis in 2020, I have already undergone so much - radical surgery and gynecological surgery to remove the first metastasis, four radiotherapies, including two in the pelvic area and genital tract, and in October 2023, radiotherapy of a metastasis located in the right thigh muscle, in January 2024 r. and radiotherapy for the metastasis on the right lung and the resulting infiltration on the third rib, with the note in the tomography "risk of fracture". I cannot count all the chemotherapy I have received, because due to the metastases, it involves the introduction of subsequent and subsequent combinations of cytostatics, in search of something that will finally show that the chemotherapy treatment would start working. Each time I trust a new line of treatment because I promised myself that I would not leave my children without a mother and I want to be with them so much!

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are always times that I would like to erase from my memory and from my body. Unfortunately, I cannot return to treatment with the first immunotherapeutics due to restrictive procedures and the decision to use a new line of chemotherapy. All this costs me a lot emotionally and physically and leaves many scars on my soul and body. To change this, the key role is played by supporting my body's immunity, which I take care of through treatments that are unfortunately not reimbursed: vitamin drips that have a protective effect during chemotherapy, specialist medical visits and tests supporting my process of selecting the appropriate treatment in its subsequent lines, supplements that increase the immune system so that I do not she was so exposed to infections, etc. Currently, permanent cancer pain is a huge problem for me. Its main sources are two. The first concerns the area irradiated in the thigh and the swelling that appeared as a result and recurs throughout the entire limb, making movement difficult and causing great pain. The initial assumption was that this was an undesirable effect of radiotherapy, but unfortunately it is also possible that there is a metastasis to the lymph nodes of the right groin, which is a process of further diagnostics. The second and even stronger source of my daily pain is chest and back pain from the infiltration of the ribs, and now also the effects of radiotherapy in the irradiated area of the lung. In the worst moments of pain I feel hell, and the medical help I receive is still insufficient. I need, among others: constant care and expensive opioid painkillers, regular lymphatic drainage treatments and physiotherapy, with the hope of restoring the functionality of my leg, which is extremely important to me, as a fitness instructor by profession, and I cannot imagine moving away from my passion forever! Pain relief is essential for me to be able to cope with the challenge of whole-body cancer treatment.

In the current situation and in consultation with the attending physician, I want to undertake a consultation regarding treatment in the USA and Israel. Still, the best indication for me is probably another immunotherapy, which in Poland is not included in any treatment program for metastatic cervical cancer, nor are there even any open clinical trials for this entity. Thanks to the foundation's collection, as well as the help of family and friends, I will be able to spend all the funds on current treatment and procedures, as well as for consultations abroad, because I believe that the best and great chance for recovery is waiting for me!

Thank you very much for all your help, which makes it much easier for me to carry out important tasks on the road to recovery! I believe that the goodness and heart shown as well as help comes back to us with double strength!


The disease has suddenly invaded my life, but I want to change it!

Cancer limited my professional and fitness life to a minimum, thus taking away my great life passion, source of pride and earnings. Cancer removed me from household duties, from activities related to caring for and playing with children, it took away my physical fitness, concentration and sense of agency as well as being useful socially among people who also need me, whom I had previously motivated and supported. Above all, chronic cancer pain and the need for constant treatment and many consultations outside the home, too often take away the remaining strength and time that I would most like to devote to my children, husband and family!

I believe that by choosing the right treatment and strengthening my body's immunity, I can achieve this! On the path to recovery, I have met many wonderful people and I am still discovering a different me. I have become an even greater practitioner of Gratitude and belief in the law of attraction, which has proven true many times in recent years. I will use my energy and passion for living among people to win against the disease! I believe that this time I will attract Health and Peace to myself without any turning back!

Please support me financially to make it easier for me.

Bank transfer details

You can also support the person under your care by making a payment to the account

You can also support the foundation with a payment to the account

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code: INGBPLPW
Transfer title: Małgorzata Strawińska
The recipient's details: Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety,
al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific Goal:

Małgorzata Strawińska

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:
Transfer title:
Małgorzata Strawińska
The recipient's details:
Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety,
al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific Goal:

Małgorzata Strawińska