Rakiety Oncology Foundation

Rocket at cancer!

Dreams, goals and desires. We all have them. However, for some of us, illness stands in the way of achieving them. Discover the dreams of people like you! Help you beat cancer and get back to everyday life.

100% of donated money goes to those in need!

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Simon the Chosen One

Unfortunately, after a long fight with the disease, Szymek passed away. We express our deep condolences to his loved ones. We would like to thank all donors for their support.

369812,70  With 120000,00 

Date of publication of the collection


Reimbursed expenses

PLN 3,58,722.00

The minimum amount was PLN Maximum amount is PLN Put a valid number



My history


non-reimbursed treatment (Stivarga, approx. PLN 12,500/month), rehabilitation and other costs related to treatment


Updated on June 22, 2022

Unfortunately, the latest PET results were alarming for Szymon. Changes in the lungs showed increased metabolism - another recurrence of the disease. We already know that it will be necessary to start radiotherapy. Despite the ailments and subsequent complications, Szymon finds the strength to combine treatment with school duties - he has just chosen a high school, where he will study under the supervision of a programming technician. He constantly cultivates his passion, turning his passion for playing football into a dream of sports journalism. We hope that radiotherapy will bring visible results, thanks to which Szymon will be able to spend a happy holiday.

Updated on March 3, 2022

The last lung tomography did not show any new metastases, the situation is stable. Szymon can continue targeted treatment and continue taking Regorafenib. Further follow-up examinations are scheduled for April.

Updated on October 8, 2021

A month ago, Szymon underwent another surgery (third thoracotomy of the right lung). He is currently at the IMiD undergoing chemotherapy. The last cycles were long and Szymuś is very weak and doesn't feel very well. Fortunately, there are no further chemotherapy treatments scheduled for now, so he will have time to recover. Further treatment with Stivarga will last for at least a year.

Updated on March 30, 2021

Unfortunately, Nexavar treatment did not bring the intended results. Therefore, doctors recommended changing the targeted drug. Szymon is currently taking his first dose of Stivarga. He also has changed chemotherapy. We keep our fingers crossed that the treatment will be effective!

Updated on February 2, 2021

Unfortunately, there is another recurrence of the disease. Szymek started chemotherapy. Today he left the hospital, he still doesn't feel well after chemotherapy. Coming home will definitely help him regain his strength.

Update of 22/10/2020

Szymon continues to take Nexavar. The treatment is working - the last lung tomography did not show any new changes, which is very good news!

Update of 10/07/2020

Szymek has undergone tests, the results of which are good. Today he starts treatment with Nexavar.

Update of May 25, 2020

Unfortunately, the genetic tests performed did not indicate a specific drug that we could use. Doctors suggested introducing Nexavar. This non-reimbursed treatment will initially have to last about a year - depending on the body's reaction. Its monthly cost will be approximately PLN 8,000. PLN, so we are increasing the collection amount. Every donation will be a great help for Szymek.

Update from March 17, 2020

Genetic tests were performed at the end of February. We are currently waiting for their results, which may indicate targeted treatment.


Szymon is 14 years old and comes from Wadowice Górne in Podkarpacie.

Szymek has always been an active, joyful child, but his main and greatest passion has always been and still is - football. The boys generally like sports, but as his mother, Agnieszka, says: 'Szymuś played everywhere, even at home in winter, he played with his cousins in the corridor. During breakfast, he used to read his grandfather's Sports Review, and then they discussed current transfers. He followed all the information, news, trained several times a week.”

In December 2018, Szymon was admitted to IMiD, where in January 2019, after the diagnosis (malignant tumor of the femur - osteosarcoma with numerous lung metastases) began treatment, which after several surgeries and chemotherapy in October ended positively, although one of the changes remained not entirely clear. With constant checks in January 2020, it turned out that the lesion had grown. Another thoracotomy (opening the chest) was necessary, the third one in the entire treatment. Suspicions confirmed... recurrence. Another chemotherapy, another treatment.

The passion for football remains, but now, due to illness, Szymon can no longer play... and due to the endoprosthesis, he will probably never be able to play again. At the beginning, it was difficult for him to talk about the disease, it was a taboo topic for him. In the hospital, with the psychologist, he was more willing to talk about matches and football than about himself, he could talk about it for hours and with anyone! Now, after many months of treatment, Szymek takes a calmer approach to the situation. For a child his age, he has been through a lot and has clearly matured. He has come to terms with the fact that he will no longer play. He knows that the most important thing is to live, and passion can always be slightly modified. He still follows the matches and is interested in everything related to football. His mother says that he is a terrible talker and if his passion remains unchanged, maybe he will become a sports commentator.

The difficult treatment process affected both his physical and mental condition. Due to multiple chemotherapy sessions, he could not eat for weeks. It is known that chemicals damage the body and also negatively affect the nervous system. When your hair falls out after another chemotherapy session and you have to deal with weakness and tedious rehabilitation, your priorities change. Due to the endoprosthesis and lack of sensation in the foot (which has already resulted in two fractures), constant rehabilitation is necessary.

His innate cheerfulness saves the situation. He was always a cheerful boy, full of life, as his great-grandmother said, he was born into his mother! They are very close as a family and give each other a lot of strength and support. When one is having a bad day, the other empathetically gives strength and uplifts the spirit. They are always happy to return home after treatment, where they regenerate greatly together with their father.

We ask everyone to support Szymon in his great match - for health!


You can also support Szymon by bank transfer:

Foundation account number: 52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367

EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375

GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359


Transfer title: Szymon Wybraniec

Recipient's details: Rakiety Oncological Foundation, al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific goal: Simon the Chosen One

Bank transfer details

You can also support the person under your care by making a payment to the account

You can also support the foundation with a payment to the account

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code: INGBPLPW
Transfer title: Simon the Chosen One
The recipient's details: Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety,
al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific Goal:

Simon the Chosen One

Foundation account number:

52 1050 1025 1000 0090 3010 4252

Deposits in foreign currencies

USD: PL54 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1367
EUR: PL32 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1375
GBP: PL76 1050 1025 1000 0090 8058 1359

swift code:
Transfer title:
Simon the Chosen One
The recipient's details:
Fundacja Onkologiczna Rakiety,
al. Rzeczypospolitej 2/U-2, Warsaw


KRS: 0000414091

Specific Goal:

Simon the Chosen One